Cooking oil dispensers will benefit low-income earners

Cooking oil dispenser

A Kenya National Trading Corporation technician demonstrates how a cooking oil dispensing machine, dubbed  ‘Mama Pima’, works at the DCC office in Kawangware in Dagoretti South constituency, Nairobi,  on August 21, 2023

Photo credit: Lucy Wanjiru | Nation Media Group

Ruto re-election • President William Samoei Ruto and his Kenya Kwanza Alliance will have to work extra hard in all the 47 counties to guarantee him re-election come 2027, says Victor King’ori. This, he adds, means that the leadership must win the youth vote, which the Coalition Party could very easily capitalise on. “This country cannot be ruled by a coalition of more than 10 parties.” His contact is [email protected]


Teachers • Teachers, just like other public servants, are paid by the national government with taxpayers’ funds and should, therefore, be ready to work in any part of the country, says Njora Waweru. “Who came up with the TSC delocalisation policy that teachers should work in their home counties? Let’s promote national unity and ease shortages of teachers in some areas.” His contact is [email protected].


Oil • The establishment of cooking-oil dispensing machines dubbed, ‘Mama Pima’, at the trading centres is a great idea by the government, says James Joram. “It will immensely benefit low-income earners, as cooking oil is among the key necessities in the people's daily lives. This is a sure way of bringing the cost of living down, but only if the cartels are kept out of it.” His contact is [email protected].


Funyula Road • Repairs on the Funyula-Port Victoria road in Busia County, should be standardised, Veronica Onjoro appeals. “Mounds of soil are being poured into potholes. There also soil bumps. This being the only tarmac road in the area since independence, the Kenya National Highways Authority should ensure that contractors use the right materials for the repairs.” Her contact is [email protected].


School games • Though his alma mater, Kirangari Boys School, suffered a 3-0 thrashing by Shanderema Secondary School in the recent games, Githuku Mungai wants to see more progress. Says he: “I was thinking of an arrangement in which the winners of this year’s tournament, St Anthony, Kitale, could, for instance, face national champs Gor Mahia FC. Can this be arranged?” His contact is [email protected].    

Have a victorious day, won’t you!