Mind the minds of our men

Stressed man

Men are socialised to not open up when overwhelmed by issues.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

What you need to know:

  • Men who are victims of gender-based violence and relationship issues do not get safe spaces to vent out their frustration.
  • Leaders and social institutions must come up with robust tailor-made programmes to support men’s mental well-being. 

Of late, depression among men has snowballed into a fully fledged mental health crisis.

There is a particularly worrying upsurge in male mortality rates due to related suicide, pointing to a deep-rooted social problem. This calls for urgent interventions.

First, as the nation grapples with the skyrocketing cost of living, it is men who bear the brunt. Being the providers for and protectors of families, many fall vulnerable if they cannot fend for their own.

Society erroneously subjects men to broke-shaming, forcing some into dangerous lifestyles to cope. They turn to crime, alcohol and drug abuse to escape reality, which takes a toll on their wellness.

This speaks to the higher number of drug addicts among men than women. The number of widows as compared to widowers is also alarmingly high.

Single motherhood is more of a norm, pointing to a social vacuum where men either abscond or are unable to take their rightful position in society.

Victims of gender-based violence

Secondly, the culture-driven behaviour of men staying silent exacerbates the matter. Men are socialised to not open up when overwhelmed by issues; those who dare are often misunderstood and subjected to ridicule.

This social folly leads men to hibernation and mental turmoil. It calls for a paradigm shift to stop gagging men from seeking help.

Thirdly, men who are victims of gender-based violence and relationship issues do not get safe spaces to vent out their frustration. Society looks down upon them, branding them weak, and many succumb to mental health complications.

Men are irreplaceable pillars of the society. There is a need to mentor boys and men to develop a mental fortitude to overcome life’s struggles without getting depressed.

Leaders and social institutions must come up with robust tailor-made programmes to support men’s mental well-being. 

Colleges should make mental health awareness a common unit to equip students with the requisite skills to overcome the challenges. The convergence of these efforts will drive our society to prosperity.

Mr Mwirichia is a high school teacher. [email protected]