Let’s protect overseas jobs

The growing demand for overseas jobs among Kenyans is clearly reflected in the surging number of passport applications.

Photo credit: Courtesy | Fotosearch

The growing demand for overseas jobs among Kenyans is clearly reflected in the surging number of passport applications. That has exerted tremendous pressure on the Immigration Department’s printing press to a breakdown.

The ubiquitous signs offering services for visa applications to the UK, US, Canada, and Gulf states in cybercafes across the country is further anecdotal evidence of demand for the jobs.

Opinion is divided on whether emigration is the best solution to the high rate of unemployment. But the trend should be encouraged because these opportunities can defuse the ticking youth unemployment time bomb.

While the exportation of labour brings in revenue, it is essential to consider how the government can ensure that Kenyan emigrants acquire the skills and benefits that they can bring back home with dignity.

Employers should uphold high ethical standards and prioritise professionalism in their interactions with employees. In addition, transparency should extend to financial matters.

Besides, they should be transparent about wage structures, payment schedules and any deductions that may be applicable.

This includes clearly outlining any fees or charges associated with recruitment agencies or other intermediaries involved in the employment process.

Financial transparency helps to prevent misunderstandings, disputes and potential exploitation related to wages.

Ultimately, employers should maintain open lines of communication with their employees. Such structures help to avoid the risk that employees will be mistreated and enables employers to get the right fit.

As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs implements Kazi Majuu, the platform aimed at empowering Kenyans to explore job opportunities across the world, it is important that these structures are incorporated to create a win-win situation for everyone.

- Ms Karigi is founder and operations manager, Job Majuu. [email protected]