By Collins Omulo

Former Chief Justice David Maraga was among the invited guests at the swearing-in ceremony of the six judges that were previously rejected by former President Uhuru Kenyatta. It is Mr Maraga's first public appearance in a while as the retired judiciary boss has maintained a low profile since leaving office. 

The six -- Justices Korir Weldon Korir, Aggrey Muchelule, George Odunga, Joel Ngugi, Makori Evans Kiago and Judith Omange -- were sworn in at an event presided over by President William Ruto.

President Ruto had approved their appointment yesterday as part of fulfillment of one of the campaign promises he previously made. They were sworn in Wednesday at State House, Nairobi.

Former Chief Justice David Maraga had previously criticised ex-President Kenyatta for refusing to swear in the six, saying his legacy will be soiled by blatantly disregarding the Constitution.

Former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga had also told off the President for leaving out the six when he appointed other judges terming the move as “beneath the dignity of that high office.” In a strongly worded letter to Mr Kenyatta in 2021, the former CJ asked the President to rescind his decision, describing it as “presidential obduracy”.

Justice Muchelule was the first to take oath of office as administered by Judiciary Chief Registrar Anne Amadi. He was then followed by Justices Korir, Prof Ngugi and Odunga. Mr Makori and Ms Omange then took oath as judges of the Environment and Lands Court.

"Congratulations to the new judges that have been sworn in. You have my very best wishes as you engage in your mandate and responsibilities as you serve Kenyans," President Ruto said.

"The judges have waited for too long than it should have been but all is well that ends well," he added.