Moses Wakhisi new Sjak secretary

Sports journalists during an Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya workshop in Mombasa on July 14, 2023.

Photo credit: Sila Kiplagat | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • He takes over from Citizen TV sports editor Mike Okinyi who opted not to defend his seat.
  • Swila said he will work with Wakhisi and Sjak President James Waindi for the sake of unity and taking organisation to the next level.

Standard Group journalist Moses Wakhisi was on Saturday elected the new Sports Journalists Association of Kenya (Sjak) Secretary-General.

Wakhisi won with 69 votes against his only competitor Isaac Swila of Royal Media Services who garnered 30 votes.

The election was conducted during Sjak’s Annual General Meeting-cum-Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya training at Pride Inn Paradise-Shanzu Hotel in Mombasa.

Only one vote was spoilt.

Swila concedes defeat

A joyful Wakhisi promised to steer the association to greater heights and to work with Swila and the current leadership to help improve the welfare of sports journalists.

“I will be a servant leader. Together we can go far and make this association grow. I thank all those who voted for me and for my opponent. Let us stay united," said Wakhisi.

He takes over from Citizen TV sports editor Mike Okinyi who opted not to defend his seat.

Swila said he will work with Wakhisi and Sjak President James Waindi for the sake of unity and taking organisation to the next level.

"I want to thank those who cast their ballot with me and Wakhisi. You have exercised democracy and in all this Sjak is the overall winner. As I said, I did a mature campaign and stuck to that. I respect your choice and we are going to work together," said Swila.