Kisii County now closes Gusii Stadium for renovations

Shabana players celebrate with the National Super League trophy after beating Kisumu AllStars 2-0 in the final match of the season at Gusii Stadium.

Photo credit: Benson Ayienda | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • The stadium, set to host Shabna's home matches in the Football Kenya Federation Premier League (FKF-PL) in the 2023/24 campaign, is currently closed for renovations.

Gusii Stadium capacity will have a capacity of 25,000 when the sports facility resumes hosting sports events in October, Kisii County Sports Executive, Erick Ongeri Miyienda has said.

The stadium, set to host Shabana's home matches in the Football Kenya Federation Premier League (FKF-PL) in the 2023/24 campaign, is currently closed for renovations.

Ecstatic Shabana fans ahead of of the National Super League match between Shabana and Kisumu All Stars at Gusii Stadium, Kisii on July 8, 2023.

Photo credit: Benson Ayienda | Nation Media Group

The topflight league is scheduled to kick-off on August 25, but according to Miyienda, the sports facility will be re-opened in October.

The move comes after Football Kenya Federation (FKF) warned that Shabana might be forced to move their home matches elsewhere as Gusii Stadium does not meet the threshold to host top flght matches at the moment.

Miyienda said among the planned upgrades are construction of a perimeter fence at Sh20 million, while Sh10 million will be spend on installing a back-up generator.

The playing surface is expected to gobble up to Sh4 million while other works will be done progressively.

Shabana have in the past played their home matches at Green Stadium, Awendo in Migori County and William Ntimana Stadium in Narok County.

But Kisii County Governor Simba Arati allayed the fears by stating that apart from securing a sponsor for the team, his government will refurbish the stadium to accommodate more fans.

Arati, who was accompanied by Chinese contractors when he met the team in Nairobi immediately after the club earned promotion to the FKF-PL last month, said they have a sponsor ready for the team.

Shabana Secretary General, Kerama Elizaphan, expressed gratitude to the County for the commitment to improving the stadium to ensure the venue meets the required standards.

Shabana fans invade the pitch following the National Super League match between Shabana and Kisumu AllStars at Gusii Stadium on July 8, 2023.

Photo credit: Pool |

The stadium has in the recent past hosted the Kenya Communication Sports Organisation (Kecoso) Games and the Kenya Inter-County Sports and Cultural Association (Kicosca) Games and Mashujaa Day celebrations.

Shabana will host Kariobangi Sharks on August 26 in their opening match before playing away to FC Talanta in Nairobi on September 13.

Shabana made a dramatic return to the top flight league after winning the National Super League (NSL) on 73 points, ahead of Murang’a Seal who also qualified after finishing second on 69 points.