AFC coach Aussems: I will speak in Kiswahili if we win the league

Patrick Aussems

AFC Leopards coach Patrick Aussems speaks during his interview on NTV’s live sports show SportOn on February 13, 2023 in Nairobi.

Photo credit: Chris Omollo | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • Speaking during NTV’s Monday night live sports show SportOn! hosted by Bernard Ndong, and James Wokabi, the former Simba Sports Club coach said his words were taken out of context.
  • He said that in his mother tongue French, the word stupid is a "soft word"  and that he did not mean to demean the journalist.

AFC Leopards coach Patrick Aussems has defended himself against accusations that he insulted a journalist, saying he was misinterpreted.

The Belgian tactician came under fire after he referred to the scribe as "stupid" when he was asked a question after their barren draw with Nzoia Sugar at Sudi Stadium in Bungoma on February 5.

The scribe got it wrong when he asked the tactician why he did not leave the field of play after being red carded in the match, but it was goalkeeper trainer Lawrence Webo who had been sent off.

It was not the first time that the 58-year-old coach was courting controversy for using the word during matches.

Patrick Aussems

AFC Leopards coach Patrick Aussems speaks during his interview on NTV’s live sports show SportOn on February 13, 2023 in Nairobi.

Photo credit: Chris Omollo | Nation Media Group

Sometime last year, Aussems referred to Sofapaka's coach David Ouma, who was then an assistant coach at the club, as "stupid".

Speaking during NTV’s Monday night live sports show SportOn! hosted by Bernard Ndong, and James Wokabi, the former Simba Sports Club coach said his words were taken out of context.

He said that in his mother tongue French, the word stupid is a "soft word"  and that he did not mean to demean the journalist.

On why he spoke in French during his post-match comments after their 6-0 win over FC Talanta at Nyayo National Stadium last Thursday, the coach said he feared been misinterpreted again.

"English is not my mother language and stupid in French is a soft word," said Aussems.

"I don't have any problem with journalists. I give interviews to anyone and in our next game against Karobangi Sharks (on Sunday),  I will answer the journalist's questions in English."

Football Kenya Federation had launched investigations on the matter.

He said should Leopards be crowned champions "I will make a post-match interview in Kiswahili."

Aussems also tipped Leopards to dominate Kenyan football for the next five years, should it keep all the players currently in its fold, and make at least four key signings.

“The future is bright for AFC Leopards,” said the coach.

“Building a team with young players is a process. Sometimes it takes three to four years. Now we (Leopards) are in the second year (of building) but if we keep all our players, and are allowed to recruit in three or four positions, for the next four or five years, I think it will be an era of AFC Leopards for sure.”

Leopards last lifted the Football Kenya Federation Premier League (FKF-PL) title in 1998.

But since the arrival of Aussems at the den on February 9, 2021, there have been signs of better days ahead for the club.

This season the former champions are unbeaten in their last seven matches.

They are placed fifth on the log with 25 points from 15 matches, six behind leaders Nzoia Sugar.

However, despite that impressive run, Aussems is uncertain whether the club can lift this season’s title.

“..I think this season we will fight for top two or three (finish), maybe more,” said the tactician, adding that being forced to cope with a lean squad has not been easy for the team.

Aussems, who has a good understanding of African football, having coached several clubs in the continent including Simba (Tanzania), said his role at Ingwe goes beyond just coaching.

He revealed that he has a cordial relationship with his players, having taken it upon himself, and other members of the team’s technical bench to ensure that they are in the right state of mind by helping them overcome personal challenges.

“My job is to put them (players) in the best condition technically, physically and tactically but also psychologically,” said the former Simba coach.

He said for Kenyan clubs to compete at the highest level in the continent, the government and federation should ensure that there is at least one proper football pitch in every county.

Apart from Leopards, he singled out leaders Nzoia as the only other club that plays interesting football in the country.  

He said the Kenyan league has an edge over several countries in the continent because it has more than two clubs that can challenge for the title.

"Here in Kenya maybe the level (of football) is a little bit low but you have six or seven teams that could win the league," said Aussems.

He pointed out officiating as another area where the continent is lagging behind.

Having lived in the country for more than two years now, Aussems said he is now at home and loves ugali and beef stew.