ODM claims Simba Arati’s life in danger, wants transfer of Kisii police boss

Kisii Governor Simba Arati

Kisii Governor Simba Arati. 

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party has expressed concerns about the life and safety of its National Vice Chairperson and Kisii Governor Simba Arati, following repeated violent attacks perpetrated by ‘known’ persons in broad daylight.

The party’s Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna said the attacks are being perpetrated in what appears to be tacit support and collaboration with elements in the security forces.

Their outrage came days after people associated with National Assembly Chief Whip Silvanus Osoro allegedly disrupted a bursary distribution meeting at Nyakembene in Boikang’a Ward, South Mugirango, leading to the teargasing of the crowd, shooting of four people and injuries to many others.

The bursary distribution was presided over by Mr Osoro’s political nemesis, Mr Arati.

South Mugirango Silvanus Osoro

Simba Arati and Silvanus Osoro in a past fistfight.

Photo credit: Ondari Ogega | Nation Media Group

Mr Sifuna demanded that the Inspector General of Police Mr Japhet Koome immediately transfers the Kisii Police County Commander Charles Kases and other top security officers in the county.

“Action be taken against the officers identified in the attack. At the very minimum, Mr Osoro should be asked to record a statement if he is too powerful to be arrested,” demanded the ODM Secretary General.

Governor Simba Arati: Gunshots fired were aimed at me

Mr Sifuna further wants the Independent Police Oversight Authority to immediately commence investigations into the abuse of police power in Kisii County.

“All these must happen within the next 14 days failure to which the party will pursue other avenues to ensure law and order in Kisii. In the meantime, we wish to state that should any harm come to the party’s national chairperson as a result of any subsequent attack against him, the persons named here including Mr Osoro, Mr Kases and the IG of Police will be held responsible,” warned Mr Sifuna.

The Kisii County Security Team earlier in the week led by County Commissioner Tom Anjere equally condemned the Nyakembene incident, saying that the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) officers are on the ground doing their work.

The moment armed men attacked Kisii Governor Simba Arati in South Mugirango

“We condemn what happened in Gucha district where the lives of citizens were put at risk. The security team is doing all that is within its means to ensure that such an incident does not happen again,” said Mr Anjere.

Mr Anjere stressed that the law must be followed to the letter notwithstanding a person’s position in the society.

He urged that locals, victims included, should come out and volunteer information that will be helpful to the investigations.

“I warn all leaders in this county that we are watching you. We are going to respect you up to the extent where you are going to respect the people,” he said.

Mr Anjere added: “We cannot be kept in perpetual environment of violence from January to December; we have other engagements. This is not the sole concern that we have. Let us respect each other, the law and the position that we are holding.”

He called on police officers in the region to “act decisively and professionally” and resist any form of intimidation.

Earlier on Monday, Mr Osoro distanced himself from the attack at Nyakembene. He stated that he was in Nyamarambe centre, within the constituency, when he was informed of the attack at Mr Arati’s meeting.

Members of Kisii County Assembly in a joint statement read on their behalf earlier in the week by Ichuni Ward MCA Wycliffe Siocha, recounted instances where Mr Osoro has allegedly stirred chaos and seemingly went scot free.