13 MPs ignore ODM show-cause letters over Finance Bill vote


Top from left: ODM MPs Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Joseph Oyula (Butula), Otiende Amollo (Rarieda), John Ariko Namoit (Turkana South), Paul Nabuin (Turkana North) and Said Hiribae (Galole). Bottom from left: Mohamed Abdikadir Hussein (Lagdera), Titus Khamala (Lurambi), Wilberforce Oundo (Funyula), Mark Nyamita (Uriri),  Phelix Odiwuor (Lang’ata) Fatuma Masito (Kwale).

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

At least 13 Members of Parliament elected in Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) have not responded to the show-cause letters sent to them last week after failing to vote on the Finance Bill 2023 last week.

In a statement, the party Secretary General Edwin Sifuna said they are currently processing the responses received from 17 MPs and will give a way forward soon.

“The responses so far received are being processed in accordance with Rule 11 of the ODM Disciplinary Committee (Practice and Procedure) Rules, 2022 and the affected members will be informed of the verdict in due course,” Mr Sifuna said.

The 13 MPs who are yet to respond to the party include Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Joseph Oyula (Butula), Otiende Amollo (Rarieda), John Ariko Namoit (Turkana South), Paul Nabuin (Turkana North) , Said Hiribae (Galole), Mohamed Abdikadir Hussein, Titus Khamala (Lurambi), Wilberforce Oundo (Funyula), Mark Nyamita (Uriri),  Daniel Manduku (Nyaribare Masaba)  Phelix Odiwuor (Lang’ata) Fatuma Masito (Kwale).

Last week, the Raila Odinga led party began disciplinary action against 30 legislators over their conduct during last week’s debate on the Finance Bill 2023

Mr Mbadi who is also the ODM chairman said he has received the letter and will respond to it insisting that there must be discipline in the party.

“For purposes of equity, justice and fairness, everybody including myself as the chairman should explain where they were on that day. Once that process is done, we will now know who is rebellious and who went against the party position of rejecting the Finance Bill 2023,” Mr Mbadi said.

Mr Mbadi said all ODM MPs will have to explain their whereabouts on the material day and those who voted for the Bill also have to explain why they went against party position.

He said he was in Geneva, Switzerland on official duty as the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee.

“I spoke to the party leadership and they were aware I was away on official duty. It was a matter that had been raised by the Auditor General about our Embassy in Geneva and as a committee, we resolved that some of our members should visit the place,” Mr Mbadi said.

Rongo MP Paul Abuor in his reply letter to the Secretary General defended himself over his absence from the House last week saying he was out of the country.

“It is in public knowledge that I have been out of the country on an official parliamentary visit in Marrakech, Morocco from Monday June 12, 2023. I therefore find it strange I am being accused of unexplained absence in the chamber while I am away on official duty,” Mr Abuor said.