Naivas Supermarket’s graduate program targets to briidge the skills gap

Naivas Supermarket branch at Nyali in Mombasa.

Photo credit: FILE

Naivas supermarket has taken it upon itself to train its staff to deliver quality services to customers.

Speaking during the graduation of the first cohort of graduate trainees in Nairobi, the Chief of Strategy Mr Andreas Von Paleske said the program aims to not only create jobs for the graduates, especially fresh ones from colleges and universities, but equip them with the best customer service skills. 

He said that the graduate trainee program is conducted in partnership with some colleges in Nairobi.

“The graduate application training is open to everyone in the country. We assess them on their capabilities and skills. We don’t just take people for the sake of working but for the sake of building their careers. Our trainees are taught various skills on the retail operation,” said Mr Anderes.

The supermarket came up with the program after it emerged that customers preferred to be served with respect and professionalism.

Through the training, the graduates don’t just learn the required skills to provide better customer service, but also how to professionally handle all the chain’s customers countrywide.

“We were looking for a whole range of degrees but mostly a person’s desire and skills to be able to succeed in this career. We as a business would want to succeed and grow. That requires that we offer Kenyans the best possible services through having great people,” said Mr Anderes.

According to him, the labour market is already struggling with a significant skill gap which is a challenge to both employers and employees.

During the graduation ceremony, 35 trainees graduated after a rigorous 12-month training.

Those graduating are absorbed as Naivas employees.

Naivas supermarket is part of the retail industry that contributes about nine per cent of Kenya’s gross domestic product (GDP), which is crucial to the country's economy.

The supermarket which was started 33 years ago has a workforce of more than 8,000 operating from 90 different locations countrywide.