MP's wife: Ruto’s CS is squatting in my Karen home

An overview of some of the houses at Amara Ridge in Karen, Nairobi

An overview of some of the houses at Amara Ridge in Karen, Nairobi. An MP and a female Cabinet Secretary from North Rift are currently wrestling for control of ta house located in Amara Ridge.

Photo credit: Francis Mureithi | Nation Media Group

Two of President William Ruto's loyalists are said to be in a bitter tussle over a Sh120 million palatial house in Nairobi's leafy suburbs of Karen.

The two -- the United Democratic Alliance legal affairs official Mr Edward Muriu and a female Cabinet Secretary from North Rift whose name is yet to be revealed -- are currently wrestling for control of the house located in Amara Ridge, Karen.

Mr Muriu, who also is the Gatanga MP, and his wife now say they risk losing the house without them receiving any money from it.

According to a video footage of the MP's wife, aired on Saturday, Ms Maria Muriu accused the CS of staging the take over of the house.

"The female CS is even using the police to execute the grabbing of the plot. Scores of officers have been deployed to guard her as she forcibly occupies the house," Ms Muriu said.

She revealed that the house is registered under her and her husband "but we had placed it on the market".

CS placed a lower bid

Ms Muriu added that the CS responded to the float and placed a Sh90 million bid -- Sh30 million short of what the couple were willing to take.

"It was two weeks ago when she came to my home and gave us an offer of Sh90 million. I told her the least I could take was Sh120 million and she left," Ms Muriu said.

According to the couple's contractor Mr Peter Kariuki, who had been assigned renovation works ahead of a sale, he found the house occupied.

"Acting on my client's instructions that I undertake the renovation project, I found the house occupied and the occupant called the police accusing me of trespassing and harassment," he said.

Mr Kariuki is seen in the footage being manhandled by several uniformed and civilian police officers.

At one time, Mr Kariuki is seen subdued by the officers who tried to force him into a vehicle in an apparent bid to arrest him.

Ms Muriu said the CS took advantage of their travel abroad to attend the graduation ceremony of their daughter.

"When we came back on Wednesday I asked my people to go and undertake renovations in the house but to my shock, the house was illegally occupied," Ms Muriu said.

She accused the CS of behaving like a property thief since beyond an expression of interest she is yet to sign the sale agreement.

 "There is no agreement signed whatsoever...there is no transaction that has taken place...this house belongs to me and my why it is occupied right now by her shocks me," she said.

Nation.Africa was made to understand that already State House "has dispatched a team of five senior officials to solve the matter.