American now pleads guilty to child porn charges

An American man who was being held on child pornography charges has changed his plea to guilty.

Mr Terry Ray Krieger, who had been detained pending a determination for bail, surprised a Nairobi court on Friday morning by requesting that the charge be read out to him again and that he wanted to change his plea.

He has now been remanded in prison and will be sentenced on November 21.

Mr Krieger, 59, had been accused of capturing obscene images of children that he circulated through the Internet.

The American had earlier denied the charge before a criminal court in Nairobi, saying the obscene publications he circulated were images of a child he found on the Internet.

Kenyan police had been looking for Mr Ray, alias Babytoddler123, before he was arrested at Olepolos in Ngong, Kajiado County.

He was arrested after Interpol investigators in Germany and in the United States informed the local office of the presence of a child abuser in Kenya who was exchanging pictures with other “users” abroad.

On Monday, prosecutor Duncan Ondimu had asked the court to detain the suspect as he prepared an affidavit with the suspect's profile.

“This is a matter of child pornography. The suspect, who is an American, uses (the) Internet to share nude and obscene images of Kenyan children,” the prosecutor said.