Jacob Oulanyah voted Speaker of Uganda's 11th Parliament

Uganda Parliament Speaker Jacob Oulunyah

The Speaker of Uganda's National Assembly Jacob Oulanyah during a Parliament sitting at Kololo in Kampala, Uganda, on May 24, 2021. 

Photo credit: PPU | Daily Monitor

What you need to know:

  • President Yoweri Museveni attended the first sitting which was chaired by Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo.

Ugandan MP Jacob Oulanyah (Omoro County) is set to become the next Speaker of the 11th Parliament after he was declared winner of elections that took place during the first sitting on Monday.

Mr Oulanyah got 310 votes, beating the incumbent, Kamuli Woman MP Rebecca Kadaga, who got 197 votes during the session at Kololo in Kampala. Kira Municipality MP Ibrahim Ssemujju was a distant third with 15 votes.

President Yoweri Museveni attended the first sitting which was chaired by Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo.

Shortly after the votes were counted, there was a commotion in the House, which forced President Museveni to interject, calling the House to order.

He said: “Hello! Hello! Hello! You are going to kill the new Speaker and then what shall we do [sic]?"

“Sorry, your lordship, for taking over your work but I was trying to act as the minister of health," he added.

Rebecca Kadaga

Rebecca Kadaga takes notes during A Parliament sitting at Kololo in Kampala, Uganda, on May 24, 2021.

Photo credit: PPU | Daily Monitor

"Strangers" in the House

Kalungu West MP Joseph Ssewungu rose and interjected on point of order, wondering why there were ‘strangers’ in the chambers of Parliament.

Mr Ssewungu was concerned about the presence of President Museveni’s elite guards, the Special Forces Command (SFC), whom he noted were non-members.

“This is not about who lost or won. I’m wondering why we have strangers in the Chambers. Why are SFC here?”

The Chief Justice then directed all non-members to leave the Chambers.

President Museveni reinforced the CJ’s orders, telling members of his security team to leave.

"All soldiers get out of the tent,” Mr Museveni bellowed and quickly added: “Ssewungu, I think now your allergy is treated. Ssewungu is allergic to SFC. I'm sorry (bows respectfully) your lordship.”

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is pictured at Kololo in Kampala, Uganda, during a Parliament sitting to vote for a new Speaker and deputy Speaker, on May 24, 2021.  

Photo credit: PPU | Daily Monitor

New Speaker's pledge

In his victory speech, Mr Oulanyah pledged good leadership in Parliament and to "walk the talk".

"I am truly humbled to be elected Speaker of this Parliament. I promise to work with the deputy Speaker that you will select to repay the confidence you showed when you elected me as Speaker," he said.

"We are stronger together. If we act in a harmonious way, we will always find away. We have a collective responsibility to work together," he added.