The 24-hour tourist to Watamu, Mida Creek

 The Mida Creek Cove, is accessible by raft, canoe or kayak. PHOTO| Sari Seppanen

What you need to know:

Located on the south side of Mida Creek in Watamu, Kenya, the getaway sits on a small beach 

The ‘must stop’ by the seaside lounge before one sets sail for the resort called Mida Creek on the south side of Watamu is a place called Lichthaus, just by Temple Point and located right over the Indian Ocean.

Open air, with an open balcony ambience and ‘hammocks’ that swing over the ocean for well-heeled, barefoot clientele of all nationalities to curl into, Lichthaus has the distinct feel of an Aladdin’s lounge – and it was here that we partook a pricey late lunch. Still, you are paying for the exquisite view.

The Mida Creek has a boat that picks up its clients, and even day guests who just want to go swim, eat, drink and eat there for free from the deck or dock-off point of the Lichthaus.

And that is how we came to find ourselves, with the breeze blowing in our faces and the sun scintillating diamonds on the waters of the ocean, on the boat to Mida Creek, which is set on its own small beach – thus creating the impression as one wades ashore over sea rocks, that you are visiting the seaside villa of a wealthy person.

That impression was heightened by climbing a wooden staircase from the beach and into the large compound of Mida Creek, where we received a very warm welcome as we were led to the reception to meet Madam Miriam Ismail, our hostess.

The Mida Creek has about six very different in-style suites, all with luxury rain showers and sensor taps, and set within giant makuti roofs that give off a cooling effect against the Coastal heat.

The rooms go from anywhere between Sh14,000 (one person), Sh15,000 (a couple), a trio (Sh 16,000), Sh25, 000 for four, and Sh30,000 for a quintet, depending on the suite you choose, which will make Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza of tourism docket very happy if she were to go to Mida Creek, as it reflects her thinking of charging per room (as opposed to per person sharing).

We chose the largest room called Beach Banda – which has a double bed, bunk bed, four single beds and even a couch which can serve as a bed too, thus ideal for tourists who are travelling as a group of six, seven, or eight.

The Mida Creek is also perfect for hosting groups of friends, or family.

With evening approaching, we hired a canoe from the desk (Sh2,500), and with one lifeguard called David with a kayak as a safety outrider, paddled out to the Mida Cove for a wine-and-sandwich picnic under palm trees.

Going back to the resort, we had to row against the current of the sea, which makes for strong if rather sore muscles at sunset.

Then it was time for dinner at their open-air restaurant, with a great steward called George on the beck and call to roll out lovely dishes.

After that, we did some night swimming in Mida Creek’s freshwater pool, and rough-housed it a bit with competitive water polo, before deciding to give up the ball for the ‘vodo’ at the poolside, as a sayonara to the day.

The following morning, as some took a boat out to go dolphin chasing, and others to the creek because it is a great spot for birdwatchers, I settled at the sun terrace on the rooftop restaurant – with a cool book and a cold beer.

 Mida Creek recently celebrated its second anniversary.