Changes you should make to your diet after 40

Dieting after 40 calls for deliberateness
Photo credit: Dieting after 40 calls for deliberateness

What you need to know:

  • Berries, carrots, red cabbage, beets, and kale are readily available, affordable, and rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the effect of oxidation in the body subsequently reducing the risk of cancers and heart diseases.

In your 20s, you can eat almost anything, hit the gym, and sweat out all the extra calories.

In your late 30s and 40s, it’s a different game altogether. Your metabolism has slowed down and your body can’t take regular intense workouts. This means you will retain most of the calories you take.

At this age also, an unhealthy body is more prone to illnesses especially prostate cancer, heart disease, and hypertension.

Healthy dietary habits are your safest bet to remain healthy.

Eat more fruits, whole grains, and vegetables especially leafy greens

Fruits, whole grains, and vegetables have immense benefits for people of all ages.

This class of foods is rich in fibers that aid in digestion, stabilize bowel movement, and control cholesterol and sugar levels.

Fruits and vegetables promote the growth of gut bacteria which improves metabolism. This is especially important for older people because their metabolism has started to slow down.

Berries, carrots, red cabbage, beets, and kale are readily available, affordable, and rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the effect of oxidation in the body subsequently reducing the risk of cancers and heart diseases.

Vinegar improves digestion and reduces blood sugar and cholesterol. Sprinkle some vinegar on your vegetable dressing for these and other benefits.

Be serious with hydration

Water plays an important role in almost all biological processes. It is, therefore, important for everyone to keep themselves hydrated at all times irrespective of their age.

As you become older, drinking enough water becomes even more vital. In your 40s, the efficiency of your kidney has started to decline. It does not process and removes liquid waste as it used to in your youth.

Make drinking water an intentional duty to help the aging kidneys.

Increase dietary proteins

As you grow older, your muscles start to waste faster than your body can replace them. Eat healthy proteins like raw nuts, seeds such as sesame, beans, and eggs to rebuild muscle. Fish is also a great source of healthy proteins and Omega 3.

These foods reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

But not all proteins are good for you.

Reduce consumption of bacon, cheese, and red meets because of their high fat and cholesterol content.

Consider supplements

Your body may not be able to produce or process some nutrients, vitamins, and minerals at optimum levels. Supplements may help you with this but only after consultation with your doctor.

Also note that supplements should be taken alongside foods that can give you the nutrients, not as a replacement.

Some of the most common supplements for men in this age include:

  • Vitamin B12 - Essential for normal brain function
  • Vitamin D - a key factor in the production of testosterone
  • Magnesium - boosts blood testosterone and general body wellness
  • Calcium - keeps bones strong
  • Potassium - maintains blood pressure at healthy levels

Take small meals in short intervals

Your stomach shrinks as you get older. This makes you feel full after eating a small amount of food. Your body may therefore not get sufficient nutrients from the normal three-meals-a-day pattern.

To help with this problem, try eating smaller portions of food at a time instead of larger ones so the body has time to digest the meal. You can space the meals more closely such that you eat around six small meals in a day.

What you limit is equally important

Younger bodies can process most unhealthy foods comfortably. Their body functions almost perfectly and they live an active lifestyle. This changes as the years progress. Such foods start causing even more damage to your body because it can’t break them as it used to.

Some of the foods you should avoid or limit include:

  • Salt
  • Whole foods instead of processed
  • Processed sugars
  • Trans fats


At forty, your body is still youthful externally. Internally, however, many of your body systems have started to decline. Unhealthy feeding habits at this age will affect your health sooner and more intensely than in your younger years. But if you treat yourself carefully through healthy dieting, your body will thank you in your 60s and beyond.