Police inspector found dead in Tharaka Nithi County


A police inspector was found dead at his house in Chogoria, Tharaka Nithi County.

Photo credit: Fotosearch

A senior police officer attached to the Chogoria Police Station in Maara sub-county has reportedly died by hanging himself in his rented house.

The police inspector took his own life on Wednesday morning, said Tharaka Nithi County Police Commander Donatha Chali Kiplagat.
Commander Kiplagat did not release the officer’s name, saying his next of kin had not been told about the death.

The officer’s body was discovered by two of his colleagues who had gone to check on him.

The officer did not leave behind a suicide note and his death is under investigation.

"[This] morning, one of our officers, a police inspector who is in charge of crime at Chogoria Police Station, [died by] suicide by hanging [himself] inside his house," Ms Kiplagat said.

She advised officers to speak to others about the challenges they are facing and that suicide is not a solution to their problems.

"Police work is generally stressful but officers facing extreme challenges should seek guidance and counselling," she said.

She said suicides were on the rise in the region probably because of economic challenges but urged residents to talk to others about their problems.

Maara sub-county Police Commander Mohammed Jarso said the deceased officer was involved in a road accident on Tuesday but survived with slight injuries.

"I received the information at around 8am and when I went to the scene, I found the body of the middle-aged officer dangling from the [ceiling] of his room," said Mr Jarso.

Mr Robert Gitari, a resident, described the deceased officer as a polite but reserved person who rarely spoke about his life to neighbours.

He said the officer lived alone and was always indoors unless he was out on duty.

The incident came days after a woman killed her husband in neighbouring Muthambi sub-county before taking her own life by hanging.

In the Sunday night incident, she left behind a suicide note, apologising to her children for a reason she never stated.

And on Saturday a man from Igambang'ombe sub-county in the same county hanged himself in his house.

He left a suicide note, explaining that he decided to end his life because he could not bear the pain of his wife going out with other men.