Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol's ouster trial starts Wednesday

William Oduol

Mr William Oduol (left), campaigns together with Mr James Orengo (right) in Siaya Town last June. They went ahead to win the gubernatorial race on a joint ticket in the August 9 General Election.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

The impeachment hearing of Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol will begin on Wednesday with the official set to know his fate on Friday.

In a schedule released by the 11-member special committee, the Siaya County Assembly will be the first to appear before the panel on Wednesday to make their submissions.

Both sides have prepared their counsels ahead of the hearings amid reports of intense lobbying even though the Senate has vowed to ensure justice prevails.

The special committee met on Thursday last week immediately after its formation and settled on Elgeyo Marakwet Senator William Kisang as its chairperson deputised by nominated Senator Betty Montet. Members of the committee are Mr Kisang’, Tharaka Nithi’s Mwenda Gataya, Mohamed Abass of Wajir and nominated senators Tabitha Mutinda, Raphael Chimera and Abdulrahman Miraj from the Kenya Kwanza side. On the minority side are Nyamira Senator Okong’o Omogeni, Dan Maanzo (Makueni), Richard Onyonka (Kisii) and nominated senators Catherine Mumma and Ms Montet.

“We met on Thursday to elect our leaders and agreed that we will meet again on Tuesday to set up the preliminaries of the case,” Senator Onyonka told Nation yesterday.

He said the committee will meet tomorrow to lay out the charges and assign a sub-committee to interrogate the charges before commencing sittings. The committee has been tasked to investigate the charges levelled against Mr Oduol leading to his removal from office by impeachment two weeks ago.

“The committee must report to the Senate, within 10 days of its appointment, on whether it finds the particulars of allegations against the deputy governor substantiated,” said Senate Speaker Amason Kingi on Thursday.

Mr Oduol’s supporters believe the matter is a case of the “hunter being the hunted” after his impeachment followed claims he made over “corruption and plunder” of Siaya public resources.

Mr Orengo has, however, denied any wrongdoing by his administration and embarked on lobbying ODM senators with the hope of having the Senate approve the charges against his deputy and kick him out.

It is expected that the mover of the impeachment motion, East Asembo MCA Gordon Onguru and the assembly’s legal team will be the first to face the committee on Wednesday followed by Mr Oduol on Thursday.

The two parties are also expected to present their witnesses during the impeachment trial where Mr Oduol faces four charges; gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, abuse of office and gross misconduct, bullying and misleading the public by giving false information.

If the special committee reports that the particulars of any allegation against Mr Oduol have not been substantiated, further proceedings shall not be taken in respect of that allegation.

However, if the allegations have been substantiated, the Senate shall, after giving the deputy governor an opportunity to be heard, vote on the impeachment charges. If a majority of the senators vote to uphold his impeachment, Mr Oduol shall cease to hold office.