Confusion over relocation of Keroka Town rages

Kroka Town. Confusion over the decision by the Transistion Authority to relocate it to Kisii has generated a controversy with leaders and residents saying that the town is 99 per cent in Nyamira County. They have vowed to resist the move by the TA. PHOTO/FILE

What you need to know:

  • Area MP Timothy Bosire Thursday read mischief and political propaganda on the issue, saying the town was 99 per cent in Nyamira County.
  • He urged those spearheading the controversy to direct their energies in developing the constituency instead of creating unnecessary tension over the matter.
  • Recently, Nyamira County governor John Nyagarama said he had registered a protest with TA to rescind the decision of relocating Keroka town to Kisii County.

Kitutu Masaba residents will resist any attempt by the Transition Authority to relocate Keroka Town to Kisii County.

Area MP Timothy Bosire Thursday read mischief and political propaganda on the issue, saying the town was 99 per cent in Nyamira County.

He wondered why the authority indicated that it was in Kisii County.

“My political enemies want to create Migingo-like controversy over this matter so that I am seen as if I am unable to protect boundaries of Kitutu Masaba,” Mr Bosire (ODM) said.

He said he, the Kisii County governor James Ongwae and their Nyamira County counterpart John Nyagarama had met earlier and resolved the controversy surrounding the location of Keroka town.

He accused his political rivals of creating more confusion over the matter to get political mileage.

“This matter is creating unnecessary political temperatures because nobody can change historical and geographical facts on the location of Keroka town from being in Kitutu Masaba constituency,” he added.

He urged those spearheading the controversy to direct their energies in developing the constituency instead of creating unnecessary tension over the matter.

Kenya Social Congress chairman Kengere Mose said his party and human right activists will stage demonstrations in Keroka to oppose a move by TA to relocate the town to Kisii County.

“My party founder George Anyona Moseti will turn in his grave if Keroka town is relocated to Kisii County. We will not allow this to happen since the town is 99 per cent in our Kitutu Masaba constituency which is by extension in Nyamira County,” Mr Mose said.

He wondered why Kisii County administrators wanted to take control of trading centres in Nyamira County that are located near their border yet other neighbouring counties have not laid any similar claims.

Recently, Nyamira County governor John Nyagarama said he had registered a protest with TA to rescind the decision of relocating Keroka town to Kisii County.