Bring it on, Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo dares MCAs

Amos Nyaribo

Nyamira County Governor Amos Nyaribo on February 20, 2023.

Photo credit: Lucy Wanjiru | Nation Media Group

Besieged Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo has scoffed at threats of impeachment by county MCAs, saying he will not be shaken or intimidated.

The governor said he was elected by the people of Nyamira and it is the same electorate that will remove him from office, not a few self-seekers.

Addressing his supporters in Nyamira town, the governor said he had not broken any law to fear impeachment and dared the MCAs to do so.

The governor is under siege from a majority of the county MCAs after he sacked the County Executive Committee (CEC) member for Health, Dr Timothy Ombati, over allegations of corruption.

The governor accused his detractors of using crooked means to threaten him with impeachment, even though he knew of no law he had broken to deserve impeachment.

The governor said he was not going anywhere and would continue to perform the duties for which he was elected by the people of Nyamira without fear or favour.

"The process of impeachment is well defined by law. It involves the initiation of a motion based on a suspected breach of the law. The impeachment motion is presented to the county clerk with evidence of the alleged law that has been violated," Mr Nyaribo explained.

"The clerk reads and affixes his signature after fully understanding the relevance of the impeachment motion and whether it confirms with the constitutional threshold for impeachment.

 "However, in this case, signatures in support of my impeachment are being collected at night by deceiving MCAs who were tricked into signing for what they later discovered was pure deception based on unsubstantiated allegations," Mr Nyaribo said.

The governor lamented that the MCAs were using unprocedural means to impeach him, which he dismissed as a waste of time.

"They go to the MCAs and tell them that you went to a meeting in Eldoret for the devolution conference. You have not been paid your per diem... sign here. The MCA affixes their signature without understanding what they are signing for," Mr Nyaribo alleged."At the end of the day, when the MCAs realise that their signatures are being collected to impeach Nyaribo, they disown those signatures because they were obtained through deception.

 "More than half of the MCAs disowned the impeachment motion and that there was no information about the imminent impeachment. The MCAs did not sign for the planned impeachment because the governor has not broken any law".

Mr Nyaribo warned the MCAs to stop blackmailing and work for the people."So if it is threats that these people are trying to put in my way, I will not be shaken... I will not be shaken even by a strand of my hair.My job is to protect your resources. I know where I'm going and I'm not going to take my eye off the ball.

"I took an oath to defend and protect the law. That is my job and no one person will threaten me. Did you hear that I ate someone's goat? Have I eaten anyone's goat? We have to respect each other if we are going to work for the people," declared Mr Nyaribo.

Mr Nyaribo lamented that in the past week, Nyamira had received very damaging media reports for no reason at all.

"Whenever I go to any public office, I find that people have formed very negative perceptions about us. So I urge the MCAs to come and let us talk. I don't know what their problem is. I have called them to come this weekend so that we can meet and discuss whatever problems they have.