Kwa Murogi estate

An aerial view of a section of Kwa Murogi estate in Nakuru City in this picture taken on November 7, 2023.

| Boniface Mwangi | Nation Media Group

What's in a name? Murogi residents push for new identity amid daily struggles

What you need to know:

Despite the apparent vibrancy, residents are unhappy with the name that has remained for decades.

Despite the estate's original name of Lanet Hill, the locals renamed it 'Kwa Murogi' and the label stuck.

Murogi village, about 10 kilometres from Nakuru town, is a hive of activity. Women run shops and kiosks, selling vegetables and boiled githeri to support their families.

Children on long school holidays fill the air with laughter and play, occasionally pausing to observe new faces in the informal settlement.

Despite the apparent vibrancy, residents are unhappy with the name that has remained for decades.

Kwa Murogi estate

An aerial view of a section of Kwa Murogi estate in Nakuru City in this picture taken on November 7, 2023.

Photo credit: Boniface Mwangi | Nation Media Group

The village, which borders the Free Area Estate, Lake Nakuru National Park and Kiratina Estate, has long been known as 'Murogi', a Kikuyu term for witch doctor.

Tired of this identity, the community is now rallying for change, believing that a new name will usher in a transformative era.

Esther Nyokabi, a food vendor who has lived in Murogi for a decade, expresses the community's feelings.

Although the estate's name dates back to colonial times, she and others prefer to be associated with neighbouring estates such as Kiamunyeki or Free Area, rejecting the stigma attached to 'Murogi'.

Kwa Murogi estate

A road within Kwa Murogi estate in Nakuru County in this picture taken on November 7, 2023.

Photo credit: Boniface Mwangi | Nation Media Group

But Bernard Karemi, a 20-year resident, offers an interesting perspective.

According to local folklore, 'Murogi' came from a white settler who lived alone on the vast land, earning him the nickname.

Despite the estate's original name of Lanet Hill, the locals renamed it 'Kwa Murogi' and the label stuck.

Mercy Njoki emphasises the negative impact of the name, linking it to increased crime, drug abuse and school drop-outs. The illegal brew trade, which is prevalent in the area, contributes to a sense of insecurity and makes residents feel that the place is cursed.

Kwa Murogi estate

A road within Kwa Murogi estate in Nakuru County in this picture taken on November 7, 2023.

Photo credit: Boniface Mwangi | Nation Media Group

Njoki adds that the name hinders development, discourages investors, and perpetuates challenges such as poor drainage, garbage problems, inadequate infrastructure and lack of street lighting, creating a haven for criminals.

Alfred Kimutai, a Free Area bodaboda rider, admits to avoiding Murogi for safety reasons, echoing residents' fears of robbery and reluctance to report known criminals.

In a bid for change, residents have renamed the area 'Mwangaza', Swahili for light, in the hope that the government will adopt the new identity.

The Senior Chief of Free Area, Stephen Macharia, acknowledges the desire for change and emphasises the need for a legal process when naming or renaming a place.