It’s not personal, Nakuru MCA who wants Kinyanjui impeached says


What you need to know:

  • Karanja articulates issues with finesse, endearing himself to people beyond his ward.
  • He has attracted the ire of the Nakuru County executive following his push to have Governor Lee Kinyanjui impeached.
  • He expressed concerns that about Sh70 million unspent funds may be rolled over to the new financial year.
  • But Governor Kinyanjui has dismissed the impeachment plan, daring the MCAs to bring it on.

Analogically speaking, Naivasha East MCA Stanley Karanja, popularly known as “mwana wa single mother” (son of a single mother), shoots straight from the hip.

He readily states that he the a son of a single mother, referring himself as Karanja Wa Mariamu.

The no-holds-barred ward rep boldly speaks his mind and articulate issues with finesse, endearing himself to people beyond his ward.

On the podium, he leaves the crowd in stitches due to his charisma and speeches which are filled with idioms. He oscillates between his Kikuyu dialect and national languages.

He gets more talk time that most his colleagues, often leaving the alluring supporters yearning for more.


Not known to shy away from controversy, he has attracted the ire of the Nakuru County executive following his push to have Governor Lee Kinyanjui impeached.

But the unorthodox ward representative, a former secondary school teacher, remains unmoved and vows to fight for the common man who elected him to articulate issues on behalf of the people.

“The impeachment debate is not personal and its emanating from a committee report tabled at the assembly,” says the former county assembly majority leader.

Of particular concern, he pointed out, was the centralisation of the procurement process, saying it has led to a decline in the absorption rate of funds from as high as 35 per cent to the current 13.5 per cent as per a nine-month evaluation done this year.


“The ten departments and their procurement officers were all taken to one office manned by a single head, further slowing down the funds’ utilisation within the devolved unit,” says Mr Karanja.

The vocal MCA also questioned the creation of the office of deputy director procurement, saying the position does not exist in law.

“It is nowhere,” he insists.

He expressed concerns that about Sh70 million unspent funds may be rolled over to the new financial year, stating that such a move will be detrimental to the electorate.   

“When former governor Kinuthia Mbugua left office, the absorption rate was at 41 per cent. But we have consecutively witnessed a sharp decline in funds’ usage over the years,” Mr Karanja pointed out.


Does he has a bone to pick with the governor whom many feel may have orchestrated his removal from assembly leadership after only one year?

The unyielding MCA laughs off such suggestions, quipping, “Nothing can be further from the truth. I cannot hold bitterness for such a long period,” he asserted.

He maintains that the issue of impeachment will be assembly driven and not a personal issue, saying it will emanate from reports that have been adopted by the House.

“The assembly is not solely depending on the Finance and Budget committee report alone. Other reports are coming from other committees,” he added.


Apart from impeachment, he said the assembly is exploring others avenues, including dialogue, adding that the joint Finance and Budget committee report called for a working solution between the executive and the assembly.

“Impeachment is not the ultimate goal…what we in the assembly are advocating for is better service for the electorate,” stated Mr Karanja.

He dismissed reports from some quarters that the impeachment debate is aimed at getting even with the executive after some MCAs were locked out of the Covid-19 tendering process.

“Personally, I have never asked for any tender. Even before I got into the assembly, I was never an entrepreneur, I was a professional. Tell me to go to business and I will sink,” said the MCA with a smile.

But he was categorical that there were queries concerning the procurement process, insisting that some of the people will be held accountable over the use of funds.


He maintained that procurement has to be decentralised up to the sub-county level to ensure equity.

“On this, we are not relenting and if it has to go the impeachment way, then so be it,” he concluded.

But Governor Kinyanjui has dismissed the impeachment plan, daring the MCAs to bring it on.

Speaking on Monday during a press briefing, Mr Kinyanjui accused the MCAs of using impeachment as a way of intimidating the executive into giving in to their demands.


According to the governor, the ward representatives are overstepping their oversight mandate by meddling in the operations of the county.

“We shall not give in to any attempts to arm-twist the executive to break the law. We are in office courtesy of the people of Nakuru and not a few leaders who want to advance their selfish interest,” said Governor Kinyanjui.

Mr Karanja has threatened to table a motion to impeach the governor over abuse of office.