I’ll not be arm-twisted to break the law, Governor Kinyanjui tells MCAs


What you need to know:

  • According to the governor, the ward representative are overstepping their oversight mandate.
  • He accused the ward reps of meddling in the operations of the county government offices.
  • He said some MCAs are using coercion tactics to force the county government into making changes in the executive.

Daggers have been drawn in Nakuru County with Governor Lee Kinyanjui daring members of the county assembly to proceed with a planned impeachment motion.

Speaking on Monday during a press briefing, Governor Kinyanjui accused the MCAs of using impeachment as a way of intimidating the executive into giving into their demands.

According to the governor, the ward representative are overstepping their oversight mandate by meddling in the operations of the county government offices.

“We shall not give in to any attempts to arm-twist the executive to break the law. We are in office courtesy of the people of Nakuru and not a few leaders who want to advance their selfish interest,” said Governor Kinyanjui.


Last week, a group of MCAs led by the Naivasha East Ward Representative Stanley Karanja threatened to table a motion to impeach the governor for what they said is abuse of office.

Mr Karanja accused the governor of abusing his authority by creating an illegal office of the deputy director of procurement headed by his political appointee.

The Naivasha East MCA further accused the county chief of failing to utilise the devolved funds, saying that his approach would compel the county to return a sizeable amount of money to the National Treasury.

“If he does not comply with the recommendations of this report within 14 days, I shall be ready to table an impeachment motion for which we shall have sufficient grounds,” said Mr Karanja.


But the governor hit back at the MCAs, telling them to keep off the running of the county government.

Governor Kinyanjui dared the MCAs to proceed with the motion, adding that he is ready for it.

According to the governor, there is a group of MCAs who are using coercion tactics to force the county government into making changes in the executive.

He expressed his concerns over the decision by the county assembly to pass resolutions requiring the executive to change some individuals in the procurement department.

According to him, this is unlawful as it attempts to subject the office into undue pressure which he said would compromise efficiency.

“We read political mischief from a small section of the MCAs who do not appear to understand their role. We therefore have no intentions to make any changes as a result of coercion or intimidation against a legally constituted office operating within its mandate,” said Governor Kinyanjui.