Drama as traffic policeman chases down Nakuru MCA after altercation on highway

Drama as police officer storms Nakuru County Assembly after trailing MCA from Soysambu

There was drama at the Nakuru County Assembly after a traffic police officer stormed the premises ready to square off with ward representative following a scuffle in Sosysambu area along the Nakuru-Nairobi highway.

The officer is said to have chased down Viwandani ward representative Mwangi Muraya after an altercation over an alleged traffic offence.

Narrating his ordeal, Mr Muraya said he was driving from Naivasha to Nakuru when he got into a scuffle after the officer stopped his car at Soysambu.

The officer allegedly failed to explain Mr Muraya's offence, prompting the MCA to drive off as he was in a hurry to attend a meeting at the assembly grounds, more than four kilometres inside Nakuru town.

"I demanded to know what my offence was but he could not explain and since I was in a hurry to attend a meeting at the county assembly, I drove away and did not know that he was following me on a motorcycle until I arrived at the Gatehouse roundabout," said Mr Muraya.

The MCA drove to the meeting venue with the police officer following closely.

"After arriving at the assembly, he parked his motorbike and stormed the premises shouting and demanding to see me. He started shouting and brandishing his gun and tried to shoot me," said Mr Muraya.

The ward representative was forced to hide inside the county assembly building as the officer bayed for his blood.

However, the policeman was subdued by the county assembly orderlies, who arrested him, confiscated the pistol and detained him in a room on the premises.

Nakuru County Assembly Majority Leader Alex Langat, who confirmed the incident, described it as unfortunate and called on investigative agencies to conduct a probe into the matter.

"I call on the police and the Independent Police Oversight Authority to investigate the matter and take action. It was an unfortunate incident," Mr Langat said.

Association of Members of the County Assembly Secretary General and Naivasha East MCA Stanley Karanja called on the government to increase security for MCAs.

He wondered how the officer could follow the local leader for more than four kilometres.

"If the security of an MCA can be threatened, what about the security of an ordinary Mwananchi?" he paused.

The police officer was taken to Kaptembwo police station, where he is being held, Nakuru OCPD Francis Wahome confirmed. 

The traffic officer following his arrest on September 19, 2021.

Photo credit: Boniface Mwangi | Nation Media Group

The MCA also recorded a statement at the same police station.