KenGen engineer Martin Kihiko charged with beating his wife

Martin Kioko

KenGen engineer Martin Karanja Kihiko at the Makadara Law Courts. 

Photo credit: Joseph Ndunda I Nation media Group

A Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) staffer who allegedly battered his wife over infidelity claims was charged with assault and causing actual bodily harm contrary to Section 251 of the Penal Code.

Martin Karanja Kihiko, a civil engineer at the KenGen’s Kisumu office is accused of unlawfully assaulting Benadate Waithira and causing her injuries at their house in Muthaiga North, Nairobi on September 16.

Mr Kihiko was arrested by officers at the Muthaiga Police Station where he had followed Ms Waithera.

The complainant allegedly drove into the police station to take cover, after Mr Kihiko started following her immediately she left a hospital where she had gone for treatment following the alleged assault.

The complainant returned home on September 16,2023 after visiting a village in Kiambu where she had spent the night and found her husband had returned home.

The suspect allegedly beat her up, injuring her on the mouth, neck and chest.

He also allegedly attempted to hit her car with his, as she fled home to hospital but she sped off, while making distress calls to the police.

The suspect denied the charges before Makadara Law Courts Senior Principal Magistrate Hellen Okwany and sought lenient bail or bond terms.

He was released on a cash bail of Sh20,000.

The case will be mentioned on November 19 and the heraing has been fixed for March 20, 2024.