Murang'a granny, 73, arrested for selling bhang to 12-year-old boy

Granny bhang

Bhang recovered from a Murang'a granny accused of selling the drugs to a minor.

Photo credit: Mwangi Muiruri I Nation Media Group

Administrators in Murang'a County on Tuesday arrested a 73-year-old grandmother for selling bhang to a 12-year-old boy.

Acting on a tip-off, the team of chiefs and their assistants raided a house in Kihumbu-ini village, Gatanga sub-county and seized 32 sachets of bhang concealed in a cooking pot.

The officers said the woman had been on their radar in the past five months on suspicions of peddling the drug but this was the first time she was caught in the act.

"The woman had kept it in her kitchen concealed in a cooking pot that was well covered using an aluminum plate ... For a casual observer, the granny was simply innocent," County Commissioner Karuku Ngumo said.

He said the boy was released unconditionally but will be used as a prosecution witness.

Mr Ngumo added that "were it not for the factual tip-off that the officers had received from the area Nyumba Kumi security team, we would have missed the drugs".

He said the boy was trailed and once he left the compound, he was arrested and the drugs he bought for Sh50 were confiscated.

"The boy took our officers back to the homestead and helped in identifying the suspect as well as the hiding place of the contraband," he said.

Mr Ngumo said the suspect was arrested at 10.30am and was escorted to the Kihumbu-ini Police Station. She will be charged on Wednesday.

Outgoing Gatanga sub-county police boss Peter Mucheru said the arrest proves that substance abuse had gained new dynamics.

"While we have been targeting the youth as the face of drug peddling, this incident makes us aware that we have new suspects. We have suspicions that anyone nowadays is a potential criminal," he said.

Mr Mucheru said Sh150 suspected to be proceeds from drugs was seized from the grandmother.