Nine counties from Mt Kenya region set to form trading bloc

Laikipia County executive for Tourism, Trade and Co-operatives Ms Jane Putunoi. Speaking in Nanyuki Wednesday, Ms Putunoi said a memorandum of understanding to help nine counties from Mt Kenya region form an economic bloc had been developed. FILE PHOTO | NATION MEDIA GROUP

What you need to know:

  • Under the trade arrangement, the regional governments will encourage trade between the member counties.
  • Ms Putunoi said the counties shared a common trading environment and their coming together would help local businesses thrive.
  • Traders welcomed the idea and urged the chamber to work with counties to ensure the success of the bloc.

Nine counties from Mt Kenya region have initiated a move that will lead to the establishment of a trading bloc.

The governors of Tharaka-Nithi, Meru, Nyeri, Laikipia, Murang’a, Kiambu, Nyandarua, Embu and Kirinyaga have given their respective county executives the authority to lay the foundation for the bloc to enhance inter-county trade.

It is hoped that this move will empower the region economically.

“We are reviewing a memorandum of understanding that we have developed before presenting it to our governors.

“By June we should be through with it,” said Ms Jane Putunoi, the Laikipia County executive for Tourism, Trade and Co-operatives.

Under the trade arrangement, the regional governments will encourage trade between the member counties by coming up with relevant policies and regulations.


Speaking at Nanyuki Sports Club during a dinner hosted by the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) on Wednesday, Ms Putunoi said the counties shared a common trading environment and their coming together would help local businesses thrive.

Traders welcomed the idea and urged the chamber to work with counties to ensure the success of the bloc.

“We want to promote inter-county trade so that the county governments can collect more revenue without increasing the rates,” KNCCI county liaison officer Patrick Nyangweso said.

He said the chamber was bringing together all key stakeholders and county leaders to come up with the economic plans for their respective regions.

After years of sailing through internal turbulence, the 50-year-old organisation which lobbies for the interests of the business community is back on track with its membership standing at 18,000 of which 1,000 are corporates, Mr Nyangweso said.

He said members would witness serious interventions and safeguards of their interests by the chamber as it has been revamped.

He urged more business people to join it.