Laikipia governor sacks reinstated county secretary

John Mwaniki, who has been removed as the Laikipia County secretary, just a week after he was reinstated by the labour court. Governor Joshua Irungu had been accusing Mr Mwaniki of undermining him. PHOTO | MUCHIRI GITONGA | NATION MEDIA GROUP

What you need to know:

  • He was instructed to hand over all documents, files and matters in his possession to the economic planning director Charles Nderitu.
  • Senior county government enforcement officers locked the office and went away with the keys.
  • Mr Mwaniki served as the county secretary for one year, having been appointed in July 2015.
  • He has declared his interest in the county governor’s seat.

Laikipia Governor Joshua Irungu has sacked county secretary John Mwaniki a week after the labour court ordered his reinstatement following his earlier suspension.

There was drama after the county government’s parking attendants in Nanyuki Town clamped Mr Mwaniki’s car on Tuesday, just minutes after he received the letter terminating his job.

The attendants claimed that Mr Mwaniki had not paid parking fees.

A crowd that gathered at the scene protested as Mr Mwaniki’s aides insisted that they had paid for the parking adding that the clamping of the car was only meant to harass him.

“We had paid for the parking and we had displayed the receipt on the windscreen,” said aide Timothy Nguyo.

Revenue officers eventually yielded to protests by the crowd and unclamped the car.

Mr Mwaniki found the letter terminating his job on his desk on Tuesday morning.

He then proceeded to the human resource department and handed over the office keys.


Moments later, senior county government enforcement officers locked the office and went away with the keys.

“Your appointment as the county secretary to the County Government of Laikipia has been terminated immediately,” said the letter signed by the governor.

“You will be paid one month’s salary in lieu of notice as provided in your letter of appointment.”

He was instructed to hand over all documents, files and matters in his possession to economic planning director Charles Nderitu.


Mr Mwaniki returned to the office on August 1 for the first time since mid-June, when Governor Irungu sent him on a two-month compulsory leave for allegedly undermining him.

This was after the Employment and Labour Relations Court in Nakuru set aside his suspension until a case in which he sued the governor and the county government is heard and determined.

When he reported for work he found furniture and equipment missing from his office and visitors seeking various services from the office had to stand at the reception and in the office while Mr Mwaniki attended to them.

Mr Mwaniki served as the county secretary for one year, having been appointed in July 2015.

He has declared his interest in the county governor’s seat.