Senate to hold Special Sitting Monday to decide embattled William Oduol's fate

Willaim Oduoal

Embattled Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol.

Photo credit: File I Nation media group

Embattled Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol will know his fate Monday next week. 

The chairperson of the 11-member Special Committee tasked with hearing the impeachment Senator William Kisang, said they will table its report before the Senate will on Monday next week. 

The Elgeyo Marakwet senator said  a Special Sitting will be called to consider the report of the impeachment trial.

He explained that the committee will conduct the impeachment hearing on Wednesday and Thursday where they will give both the MCAs and the deputy governor a chance to prosecute their cases.

After listening to both sides, the committee will retreat for report writing before the deadline on Sunday, June 25, 2023.

“We will go for report writing on Friday and Saturday before a special sitting is called on Monday next week for us to table our report for debate,” said Mr Kisang’.

The committee has been tasked to investigate the charges and particulars leveled against the deputy governor that led to Mr Oduol’s removal from office by impeachment two weeks ago.

Senator Kisang said the committee met on Tuesday morning to go through the modalities of the process and are now ready to begin the impeachment trial.

“We met in the morning and went through all the matters pertaining to the case and we are now ready to go. We will begin from tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10am,” he said.

Siaya County Assembly will be the first to appear before the panel on Wednesday to make their submissions.

They will then be followed by Mr Oduol the following day on Thursday to defend himself against the charges facing him either by himself or through his legal team.

The two parties are also expected to present their witnesses during the impeachment trial where Mr Oduol faces four charges including gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, abuse of office and gross misconduct, bullying and misleading the public by giving false information.

Already, both sides have prepared their counsels ahead of the hearings with reports of lobbying even though the Senate has promised to ensure justice is served.

Senate Speaker Amason Kingi had given the committee up to June 23, 2023 to investigate the proposed removal from office of the deputy governor and table its report.

However, the 10-day period allowed in the law lapses on Sunday June 25, 2023. The special committee was formed on Thursday last week.

“Since the last day is on a Sunday, we cannot hold a sitting on a weekend so that is why the special sitting will be on Monday,” he said.

If the special committee reports that the particulars of any allegation against Mr Oduol have not been substantiated, further proceedings shall not be taken in respect of that allegation.

However, if the allegations have been substantiated, the Senate shall, after giving the deputy governor an opportunity to be heard, vote on the impeachment charges.

If a majority of all the members of the Senate, 24 in this case, vote to uphold any impeachment charge, Mr Oduol shall cease to hold office.