Finance Bill: Return of Nyanza ‘prodigal sons’

Finance Bill protests

Finance Bill protesters demonstrate in the streets of Kisumu City on Tuesday.

Photo credit: Alex Odhiambo | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • Kisumu East MP Shakeel Shabbir had to move fast to redeem himself.
  • There were muted protests in Sindo in Suba South staged by residents who were unhappy with Mr Omondi.

It has taken an unprecedented revolt by young people against tax measures contained in the Finance Bill 2024 for members of the National Assembly in Nyanza region to stumble over themselves trying to curry favour with their constituents.

Hitherto aloof and unreachable, some have resorted to dramatic shows of loyalty, just to prove that they have listened to the will of the people and rejected the Bill.

Kisumu East MP Shakeel Shabbir, whose constituents had threatened to storm his office to express their anger for skipping the vote on Monday, had to move fast to redeem himself.

The lawmaker, who was away on a foreign trip, jetted back into the country waving a placard declaring his stand on the Finance Bill before proceeding to Parliament to vote NO during the second round of voting.

Mr Shabbir caused a stir on the floor of the House when he flashed out the placard and started protesting as he wrestled with parliamentary orderlies.

A section of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) legislators who fell afoul with the outfit for deciding to cooperate with President William Ruto’s government were branded traitors. They were Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda, and National Assembly members Mark Nyamita (Uriri), Elisha Odhiambo (Gem), Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Paul Abuor (Rongo), Phelix Odiwuor aka Jalang’o (Langata) and Caroli Omondi (Suba South). However on Thursday last week and Tuesday this week, Mr Nyamita, Mr Odiwuor, and Mr Odhiambo all voted No according to their party’s wishes. Also heeding their constituents’ calls to reject the Bill were Kenya Kwanza leaning Nairobi Woman Rep Esther Passaris and Ugenya MP David Ochieng of the Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG) party, earning them praise from ODM supporters.

Rejecting Finance Bill

In what can be likened to the Biblical tale of the “return of the Prodigal son”, a video of Jalang’o rejecting the Finance Bill while in the chambers excited ODM supporters, who lauded him for having defied Dr Ruto and standing with the people. National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi, who spoke to the Nation, lauded the MPs for “seeing the light” and listening to the people.

“Even those of us who had wandered over to the Kenya Kwanza side are slowly coming back. The chickens are coming home to roost and the honeymoon is over for Kenya Kwanza,” said the Ugunja MP. “I foresee our numbers in Parliament swelling gradually as we move forward.”

Mr Ochieng’s decision to vote No and criticism in defiance of President Ruto has endeared him to ODM supporters who were hitherto hostile towards him. He was received warmly in Kisumu City where he hosted more than 2,500 MDG delegates. The MP, however, dismissed talk he had broken ranks with Dr Ruto, saying, he is firmly in Kenya Kwanza.

“But that doesn’t stop me from agitating for the rights of my people and also criticising the government when it is going astray.”

During a campaign to popularise and strengthen his party in Kisumu, Siaya and Kakamega, Mr Ochieng explained why he voted for the Finance Bill last year but was against this year’s Bill.

 “I believe this year we should not have had another Finance Bill but allowed Kenyans some relief,” said Mr Ochieng.

Dr Ochanda and Mr Omondi have, however, continued to face the wrath of the people after voting in favour of the Bill.

There were muted protests in Sindo in Suba South staged by residents who were unhappy with Mr Omondi. On Thursday last week, some residents of Bondo Constituency in Siaya County took to the streets to demonstrate against the decision by their Member of Parliament to vote in favour of the Finance Bill 2024.

The youths carried a casket bearing their MP’s name while chanting anti-Ochanda slogans.

Mr George Mawere, a local politician, castigated the move by Dr Ochanda, saying the MP has made Bondo, the home constituency of the ODM party leader Raila Odinga, the subject of public ridicule.

 “The entire country is against the Bill, including the President’s backyard of Uasin Gishu County, yet our MP went ahead and appended his signature to it,” he said while addressing a group of agitated youths.

Symbolic burial

ODM officials in the constituency called upon the party’s National Executive Council to expel and initiate the recalling of Dr Ochanda. But the lawmaker has stuck to his guns, saying, he will continue working with President Ruto.

He laughed off his symbolic burial by residents in a mock funeral, saying, with a touch of humour, that he is alive and kicking.

“I am told some people buried me somewhere in Bondo town. Kindly report to them that, by the grace of God, I have resurrected at Got Agulu and there should be no weeping,” he said.

Addressing residents at Got Agulu Secondary School, where he had gone to launch a project, the MP emphasised the importance of his friendship with the President.

“I am dedicated to delivering on crucial projects that have been long overdue in our region. The neglected Dho Goye Bridge requires immediate attention.”

“I will continue nurturing a good working relationship with the President to ensure its completion,” Dr Ochanda stated.