Boda boda barred from operating in Kisumu’s posh Milimani estate

Kisumu boda boda

Boda boda operators at the entrance of Tuffoam Mall in Kisumu City. Boda boda riders have been barred from operating within the city's affluent Milimani Estate after residents raised concerns over being mugged and their phones snatched by people riding on boda bodas.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

Boda boda operators have been barred from operating in the affluent neighbourhood of Milimani estate in Kisumu over increased incidences of crime.

In a notice issued on Friday, Kisumu City Manager Abala Wanga noted that the residents of Milimani and Tom Mboya estates have raised concerns over being mugged and their phones snatched by people riding on boda boda.

“A recent case was reported yesternight where a lady and her son were attacked in Milimani as they were strolling at around 8.45pm,” the notice reads in part.

“In view of the above and in order to enhance security in the area, the city management has suspended all boda boda operations in Milimani with immediate effect.”

The notice took effect immediately and any rider found to be in violation is are to be apprehended and legal action instituted against them.

“Any boda boda rider who wishes to operate in the area is advised to make prior arrangements with their clients to avoid getting in trouble with the law,” added the notice copied to County Commander of Police among other security chiefs.

Kisumu City Manager Abala Wanga.

Kisumu City Manager Abala Wanga. He has barred boda boda riders from operating within the city's affluent Milimani after residents raised concerns over being mugged and their phones snatched by people riding on boda bodas.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

The county has also rendered illegal all boda boda sheds within Milimani area and called on those operating in the sheds to look for alternative spaces.

The move comes four months after authorities in Kisumu raised alarm over the allure for muggers to use boda bodas, leading to a spate of vicious crimes.

According to Mr Wanga, the daring robbers who start operating as early as 7pm mug the residents off their phones, handbags, and other valuables before making a quick escape from the crime scenes using boda bodas.

“So dire is the situation that businesses have opted to close shops early, leading to huge losses,” said Mr Wanga as he raised concerns that the move goes contrary to the county government’s bid of making Kisumu City a 24-hour economy.

Mr Wanga also pointed out that the wave is common in estates including Mamboleo, Migosi, Obunga, Nyamasaria, Riat, Milimani, Nyawita, Manyatta, Tom Mboya and along the Jomo Kenyatta International Stadium.

“Residents have suffered severe injuries from aggressive attacks by these robbers while others have been kidnapped,” said the city boss.

He noted that the criminals have gone ahead and vandalized street lights to create darkness which favours them in conducting their illegal activities.

“The city management is calling for collaboration between the National Police Service and the city management in order to arrest the problem,” he said as he underlined the need to enhance night patrols in the identified hotspot areas.

The city manager also indicated that the city is mapping out and demolishing all unfinished structures within the city which the thugs use as hideouts.