Kisii small scale traders get govt’s attention

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Principal Secretary Susan Auma

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Principal Secretary Susan Auma (in peach top) in Bonchari, Kisii County on June 20. She toured the county on a fact-finding mission with a view of helping small-scale traders in Kisii overcome their challenges.

Photo credit: Ruth Mbula | Nation Media Group

Small and micro-enterprise traders in Kisii are not making a breakthrough in their businesses because of various challenges that continue to hinder their success, among them lack of markets, machines, skills and limited finances.

Though the national and Kisii County governments have promised to join hands to support them, the traders said similar pledges have been made in the past, but they continue to struggle.

Ms Lilian Nyamweya, who makes leather shoes, says they lack machines and are forced to travel all the way to Kisumu to do the final processing.

“We take our shoes to Kisumu for finishing. It is expensive to travel there besides other expenses incurred,” said Ms Nyamweya.

Mr Daudi Manduku who recycles plastic waste to make products like baskets says they lack the capacity to produce the many orders they get.

“The machines we have are very small and the demand for our products is big. We lack the finances to purchase better machines,” he said.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Principal Secretary Susan Auma toured the county on June 20 for a fact finding mission in a view to help the traders in Kisii overcome their challenges.

Ms Auma met with Governor Simba Arati and they agreed to partner and help solve the problems bedeviling residents in growing their small and micro enterprises.

“I have held a long discussion with governor Arati and we have agreed there is need for us to join hands if we are to succeed in this agenda,” said Ms Auma as she toured Bonchari Constituency Industrial Development Centre (BCIDC).

She was hosted by area MP Charles Onchoke.

The PS noted that limited access to finance, infrastructure constraints, skills and capacity gaps, market penetration and diversification, regulatory compliance and administrative burdens, limited market information and business development services and gender and youth inclusion are among the major challenges facing the traders.

Ms Auma explained that addressing these challenges requires a collaborative effort involving the Constituency Industrial Development Centre (CIDC) management, government agencies, private sector stakeholders, and development partners.

“By addressing these challenges, the CIDCs can further enhance their impact on small and micro enterprises development and contribute to sustainable livelihoods within the community,” she said.

She added that there is need for stakeholders’ engagement and capacity building between Kisii county officials and National government sector dealing with industry and trade.

She called on the Kisii County Government to assist facilitate the CIDC and worksite land ownership to the small and micro enterprises.

She noted that they had identified four key products to develop in Kisii County which include banana, local vegetable, soap stones and avocado.

The PS revealed that they are planning a small and micro-enterprise week or Expo in Kisii County.

“This will be an opportunity to showcase products to the country and world. This should be planned by the county, all parastatals in the Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade, Enterprise Development,  learning institutions (Kisii University and Kisii polytechnic) and Private sectors players,” she said.

Dr Onchoke said that Bonchari CIDC holds immense potential for promoting entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic growth within the constituency and the region.