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Cancer, diabetes patients get free treatment

Patients ailing from non-communicable diseases queue to get free treatment at Kerugoya stadium, Kirinyaga County, on May 24, 2018. PHOTO | JOSEPH WANGUI | NATION MEDIA GROUP

What you need to know:

  • Deputy Governor Peter Ndambiri said the medical camps will be rolled out in all the sub-counties.

More than 500 people suffering from non-communicable diseases in Kirinyaga have benefited from free treatment sponsored by county government. 

Patients were treated for diabetes, cancer, asthma, chronic kidney disease and high blood pressure.

Deputy Governor Peter Ndambiri said the medical camps will be rolled out in all the sub-counties and later at the villages so that patients can acquire services easily. 

"This is in line with the County Mountain City Vision to make Kirinyaga a health and wellness [region[," Mr Ndambiri said, adding that the initiative is in line with President Uhuru Kenyatta's 'Big Four' agenda, one of which is the provision of affordable healthcare.


During the activity conducted at Kerugoya stadium on Thursday, the patients were also given free drugs.

Mr Ndambiri said that the renal unit installed at Kerugoya District Hospital early this year is fully functional and is currently serving 40 patients monthly. 

He added that Sagana Sub-District Hospital in Mwea is being upgraded to an accident care centre, and the bed capacity at Kerugoya Medical Complex is set to be raised from 250 to 500.

With regards to health hazards posed by flooding, County Executive Committee member for Health services Agnes Gachoki said mitigation efforts are already in place. 

"We have distributed blankets and water treatment tabs to ensure our people are safe during this rainy season," she said. 

They are working along with the Kenya Red Cross Society and Lions Club.