Machete-wielding policeman injures his boss in Homa Bay


A machete at a crime scene. 

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

Police in Ndhiwa, Homa Bay County, have arrested one of their own after he allegedly attacked his boss for questioning the whereabouts of a suspect who had disappeared from custody.

The junior police officer was arrested after he allegedly attacked his senior with a machete.

The incident took place on Saturday night at the Pala police post.

According to a police report, the officer in charge of the unit, Corporal Koech Kimutai, was attacked by a police constable.

Mr Kimutai sustained injuries from a sharp machete.

When the officer in charge of the station and the officer on duty visited the scene, they found that the corporal had been assaulted by his junior when he went to the assailant's house to enquire about a suspect who had earlier been arrested and detained at the station. It was the corporal who made the arrest.

The suspect was locked in a cell but later released under unclear circumstances.

However, the visit is said to have turned violent after the junior officer lunged at his senior with a machete. Mr Kimutai shielded himself with his right hand and was cut on the palm.

He was rushed to Pala Health Centre bleeding profusely from his injuries.

Confirming the incident, County Police Commander Samson Kinne said necessary action had been taken against the assailant.

"He will be charged when investigations are completed," he said.

Officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) are handling the case.