Homa Bay deputy speaker stripped in chaotic assembly session

Homa Bay County Assembly Deputy Speaker Godfrey Anyango walks out the assembly plenary after a fight broke out in the chambers on August 18, 2020.

Photo credit: George Odiwuor | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • Mr Anyango was pinned down by the assembly's Sergeant at Arms and members who were furious at him for opposing the motion.

The deputy Speaker of Homa Bay County Assembly was on Tuesday stripped down to his underwear during a chaotic House session.

Chaos erupted at the county assembly during a motion to oust assembly clerk Daniel Kaudo from office.

Homa Bay Deputy Speaker Godfrey Anyango, who stood on a point of order to oppose the motion, was wrestled to the ground and stripped down to his underwear in the plenary.

Mr Anyango was pinned down by the assembly's Sergeant at Arms and members who were furious at him for opposing the motion.

Photo credit: George Odiwuor | Nation Media Group

Opposing sides exchanged blows and some had blood stains on their clothes.

All members, who opposed the ouster bid, were ejected from the chamber and ordered not to step foot at the legislative House for 15 days.

They included Evance Marieba (Gwassi North), Paul Adika (Lambwe), Walter Were (Kanyadoto), Philemon Onditi (Kagan).

Emotions ran high before members began fighting after accusing the assembly speaker of being biased.

Speaker Elizabeth Ayoo was shielded by a section of the MCAs as some accused her of being unfair during debates. She was accused of only selecting MCAs who support the discussion of the day.

Drama ensued when Kokwanyo Kakelo MCA Dan Were tabled a motion to oust Mr Kaudo.

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Photo credit: George Odiwour | Nation Media Group

 But some members objected this saying the move was not procedural, and the chamber was soon turned into a boxing ring as members engaged in a physical fight.

Some of the ward representatives said the Assembly Service Board was the only the body mandated to oust the clerk.

The board currently has three members who include Ms Ayoo who cannot table a motion in the House and two members who represent the interests of the public and are strangers in the assembly.

Such a motion should have been tabled by an elected MCA who is a member of the board who also represents the interests of members in the board.

MCAs further claimed plans to oust the clerk were against assembly Standing Orders, which require that matters in court should not be debated.

Mr Kaudo had moved to the Labour court after his earlier ouster last month.

"Any matter that is before court should not be discussed in the plenary. There are procedures for removal of the clerk. For this case, none was done," Mr Marieba told journalists.

Homa Bay County Assembly has been having leadership wrangles since 2017.

Members have elected at least five majority leaders in a period of three years.

Ms Ayoo was impeached in November 2018 over claims of corruption, incompetency and abuse of office.

She made a comeback this year.

 But her return could soon be short lived after Mr Marieba threatened to initiate a motion to impeach her for the second time.

"The speaker should resign. Her presence in the assembly causes a lot of trouble among members. Let her copy former Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Beatrice Elachi who resigned for the sake of peace in the House," he said.

 Mr Anyango whose leadership as the deputy speaker is facing hurdles accused Ms Ayoo of attempting to kick him out of office.

 He, however, said he will not initiate any legal action against the speaker.

 "All matters happening in the assembly should be solved within the assembly. I will take this matter to the powers and privileges committee," Mr Anyango said.

 Ironically, Ms Ayoo is the chairperson of the committee that handles disciplinary matters in the house.

 Mr Adika asked the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to investigate the conduct for the Speaker.

 "I will take this matter to court. We the Minority are being sidelined, our voices cannot be heard because the Speaker wants to hide her evil deeds," the MCA said.

 Attempts to get comments from the speaker were unsuccessful.