KenGen plans to step up power to 5,000MW

PHOTO | CHARLES WANYORO KenGen acting MD Simon Ngure (2nd right) is shown new installations at the newly-upgraded Kindaruma dam.

The national power generator has embarked on an ambitious programme to boost production to 5,000MW in four years.

The project of the Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) is aimed at ensuring the country has enough electricity supply to encourage the growth of industries at the counties.

KenGen acting managing director Simon Ngure said Kenya produces about 1712MW, which is not enough to sustain large industries and help the economy grow at double-digit.

He was speaking during the handing over of a new unit at Kindaruma power station by project contractors to KenGen on Tuesday.

Mr Ngure said the company is exploring ways of boosting power generation in geothermal plants and rehabilitating existing hydros. He said increase in power production would translate into cheaper rates and thus woo more investors.

The upgraded Kindaruma unit and refurbishment of two existing ones will see the total generation capacity increase to 72MW up from 40MW.
Mr Ngure said the additional 32MW will help meet the rising power demand.