Smart home is crucial: Building for the future

Canal Box internet cable

A technician installing a Canal Box internet cable on a pole.

Photo credit: YGP

A household today has multiple devices that are connected to the internet. Additionally, dumb electronic devices that previously could not connect to the internet have become internet-ready and can communicate with other intelligent devices. Among these devices are intelligent washing machines, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, and many more.

If you are building a house, you should carefully consider how you will power it with the internet. The better option is to build an internet-ready home rather than retrofitting an existing building with internet cables.

Unlike wood or other building materials, stones are unsuitable for internet signals. The signal degrades as it hits stone walls from room to room or floor to floor.

Just as you run electricity through your home, you should run internet cables throughout your house to improve internet range, stability, and speed. Most rooms should be wired with Ethernet cables so that electronic devices can be plugged into walls and connected to the internet when they are ready.

Streaming videos

Streaming videos or downloading large files over a wireless network usually doesn't work well, especially if you have multiple devices connected to the internet across different locations.

Planning for your new home's security during construction is a good idea. An integrated security system, a smoke detection system, a motion detector system, and a surveillance system are included in this plan. Make provision for surveillance cameras, which nowadays use the internet and can be controlled remotely using a mobile phone or computer from any part of the world.

Think about where you will install smart TVs, projectors, and streaming devices. Connect these locations to the internet with ethernet cables. The best options are a wall-mounted TV or a ceiling-mounted projector.

What's the point of all these cables if you can wirelessly connect many devices to the internet? It's because a wired connection is always stronger and steadier than Wi-Fi. Reserve Wi-Fi for mobile devices such as cell phones, tablets, and laptops.

It is also important to consider where you place the router. Routers allow your wired and wireless devices to connect to the internet and communicate with each other.

Closed spaces

Keep the router out of cabinets or closed spaces. Since the router transmits Wi-Fi signals, it is best to place it in the center of the room, preferably elevated and unobstructed. It would be ideal to place it near a window.

If you want wired security sensors -- door sensors, motion detectors, window sensors--, these will need to be installed during construction. Also, ensure they are close to an electrical outlet, so they can draw power directly from the wall without needing batteries.

If you have dead zones - or rooms with weak or no internet signal - install a Wi-Fi extender. Your internet provider may have some for loaning or selling. Congratulations on your new internet-ready home!

Mr. Wambugu is an Informatician. Email: [email protected] Twitter: @Samwambugu2