America is a third world country too

Donald Trump

Former US President Donald Trump leaving the White House on January 20, 2021.

Photo credit: Mandel Ngan | AFP

We have followed the ongoing debates on the debacle of American elections since Trump was voted (?) president. We really had no choice – it’s that age old saying about how the third world reacts when the first world sneezes, and we catch a cold. It’s always in discussion. Always on our screens. Always on Twitter. All around us. Everyone I know has an opinion on Trump, whether you’re in a city, or a village, or Barack Obama’s loud brother.

There is one thing, perhaps, that I am grateful to Trump for, and I too was surprised at this turn of events. Trump is the man who showed us the lack of truth about that particular saying – it’s supposed to be that when the first world sneezes, yes? But really, if you look at what democracy has looked like while he was in power, it’s clear that the United States of America is a third world country too.

This isn’t just because of the president. Although, he has helped.

Trump has behaved like a classic African dictator through and through: trying to actively hold on to power that isn’t his, saying whatever the hell he wants in the press and on social media, going back and forth on his stands, and generally doing what doesn’t make sense for his country — half of whom are the rabid supporters who voted for him (I don’t say this with derision, I say this as a fact — everyone who enthusiastically supports a mad man tends to be rabid. Anyone passionately involved in politics, really. You have to be to care, don’t you?).

This is also because of how he treated the biggest event of his presidency — Corona.

Not only did he act like it didn’t exist, then act like it can be cured by bleach, then refuse to wear a mask (see what I meant about flip flopping?), he also went and got the best healthcare affordable when he did contract symptoms, and walked out to play golf a few days later —having already caused irreparable damage to the people who actually listen to their president. He made it ok for people to ignore science, and proceed to also ignore the facts about resources and accessibility available to the POTUS. Thus signing, potentially, their own death warrants.

I’ll be glad to see him go.

It isn’t a quick fix for what America is suffering from (white supremacy, rampant racism, economic imbalance, slavery hangover, caucasity), but at least there’ll be a reprieve on Twitter from his nonsense.

I guess now we must focus on our own president and his declaration that Sh2 billion is being stolen anyway. I’m sure he’ll ask us next week what we expect him to do about it.