Youth must stop gambling and invest

Kenya has become a hotbed of betting firms, which have pitched tent and made the local market their hub and canvas.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

According to official statistics in the 2019 national census, about 29 per cent of Kenyans are youth with 19 per cent of them unemployed.

Most of the working youth engage in the Jua Kali sector, based on the skills that they have, which is good. But the big question is, after working so hard and getting the cash, how do you spend it? Many end up gambling.

In the 21st Century, due to technological advancements and modernity, many young people have developed the habit of reaping where they did not sow, that is, they want to be rich without working for the wealth.

This mentality has made most of the youth to involve themselves in bad practices like drug trafficking and gambling in pursuit of quick riches.

Listening to the life stories of the older billionaires, it is obvious that they worked for their money. They had to spend sleepless nights and busy days to become who they are

Those who get rich from gambling are very rare and countable. Maybe that might seem far-fetched. Reduce the matter to the level of your village or clan; how many of those who are rich are gamblers?

This ideology has landed most of the university students in deep trauma, depression and stress since some gambled with their fees, rent and the little cash they had been given for upkeep. What a mess!

After they blow all the money, having lost all they had, the students come face to face with real life, making most of them live a life full of disgrace. Some end up dying by suicide.

Tonny O. Blair, Homa Bay