Stop the surge in university pregnancies

Implementing comprehensive sex education programmes and improving access to reproductive health services among students is vital.

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The phenomenon of increasing cases of pregnancy among university students is a growing concern. Several factors contribute to this trend, reflecting the complex interplay of societal, educational and personal influences.

The first is lack of comprehensive sex education. Inadequate or absent education on contraception, safe sex practices and reproductive health can leave students uninformed.

Second is peer pressure and social influences, which may encourage risky behaviour. The desire to fit in, be accepted or conform to perceived social norms can lead to unprotected sex.

Third is the stigma surrounding contraception. Especially in conservative societies, this can discourage one from seeking or using birth control methods. Fear of judgement, lack of access to contraceptives or misinformation about their effectiveness could heighten the risk.

Fourth is stress and mental health challenges. The demanding nature of academic life, coupled with personal and financial stress could make one engage in risky behaviour in a bid to cope.

Fifth is limited reproductive health services. Limited availability of affordable contraceptives and healthcare and counselling services on campus can hinder one from making informed decisions about their sexual health.

Sixth is alcohol and substance abuse, which has a high prevalence on campus. Impaired judgement while intoxicated can lead to unprotected sex.

Seventh is lack of parental guidance. A lack of open communication about sex and relationships at home can leave a student navigating these aspects of life without proper guidance when transitioning to adulthood.

Addressing the issue requires a multifaceted approach. Implementing comprehensive sex education programmes, reducing stigma around contraception, improving access to reproductive health services and fostering open communication among students is vital.

- Urema Hassan, Bomet