Is muguka debate founded on ignorance?


 A man holds a handful of muguka at the Kongowea Market in Mombasa yesterday.

Photo credit: Kevin Odit | Nation Media Group

The discussion about muguka, a variety of khat, is healthy, albeit skewed. It should be a national debate, not a regional dispute. Regulatory bodies such as Parliament and Nacada have failed. There should also be a national policy containing the rules and regulations of the produce.

And if it is proved to cause more detrimental than helpful to Kenyans, the farmers can venture into other economic activities. Lastly, the debate should be expanded to other legal but detrimental drugs, like cheap spirits.

Michael Kinuthia, Nairobi* * *Even as the court lifted the ban on muguka trade, it is the responsibility of the coast residents to determine its fate. The consumers know its merits and demerits.

Coast governors have played their part well by showing concern for the people. But the counties should accord job opportunities to the young idlers to lessen their chances of drug abuse.

Roselyne Karisa, Mombasa

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The controversial varieties of khat (Catha edulis) are predominantly grown in Meru (miraa) and Embu (muguka) counties. They are legal, categorised as crops. So, in the meeting to ban muguka, did the coast leaders invite an analyst to explain to them through the science? Terming it as a harmful drug should be backed by scientific proof.

Let the leaders first eradicate drug and substance abuse.

Lincoln Kinyua, Kiambu