Fix the problems in our education system

Pupils at Mboto Sunrise Primary School work on their competency-based curriculum assignment under a tree

Pupils at Mboto Sunrise Primary School work on their competency-based curriculum assignment under a tree in September, 2022. 

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

As educational systems worldwide grapple with the need for innovation and relevance in the 21st Century, the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) has emerged as a beacon of change. Yet, behind its progressive facade, lies a myriad of challenges and criticism that demand our attention.

As we reflect on the state of education in Kenya, particularly the implementation of the CBC, it becomes evident that the promises made by the Kenya Kwanza administration remain unfulfilled. The lack of progress and the persistent challenges facing CBC implementation demands urgent attention and decisive action from President William Ruto The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.

Kenyans entrusted President Ruto with the sacred duty of leading our nation towards progress and prosperity. Yet, in education, we have been met with disappointment and disillusionment. Article 53 of the Constitution guarantees every child the right to free and compulsory basic education, yet the reality on the ground tells a different story. The failure of the President to deliver on this fundamental promise is a betrayal of the trust placed in him by Kenyans.

Inequitable access to resources is the major challenge where public schools struggle to teach learners due to congestion and confusion, which is caused by lack of classrooms, resulting in Grade 8 and 9 learners being forced to move to the nearest high schools. Transitioning to CBC requires a fundamental shift in teaching methods and pedagogical approaches, a transition that is hindered by inadequate tutor preparedness and support.

Article 237 of the Constitution mandates the continuous professional development of teachers to ensure quality education, yet many find themselves ill-prepared. The lack of comprehensive training and professional development opportunities violates the constitutional imperative for quality education and undermines the success of CBC. The obstacles facing learners across the country are stark and undeniable.

The Constitution established the Teachers Service Commission (Article 237), regulated through the 1967 Teachers Service Commission Act. However, despite having many graduates in the field, who are yet to be employed, we are facing a serious shortage of teachers in our schools.

The lack of adequate personnel in schools violates the 2013 Basic Education Act, which mandates the state to provide human resources, including adequate teaching and non-teaching staff.

Antony Akollo and Onesmus Mwanzia, Murang’a