Economy: Long-term strategy, not quick fixes


Excessive taxation kills the entrepreneurship spirit, impoverishes the people, leads to economic collapse.

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Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura recently stated that President William Ruto’s administration needs two more years to stabilize the economy. The statement has been met with widespread ridicule and criticism, and for good reason.

First, the economy has been struggling for some time. The country has been facing various economic challenges, including a high unemployment rate, runaway inflation and a widening income gap. This has not only affected the livelihoods of ordinary Kenyans but also hampered national development.

Given this context, it is understandable why Mwaura’s statement was met with scepticism. Two more years is too long for the struggling Kenyans. The government should immediately address the pressing economic issues, not ask for more time.

Furthermore, there is a lack of transparency and accountability in the government as regards economic policies and decision-making. Many Kenyans feel that their leaders are disconnected from their daily struggles and more focused on personal gain rather than public welfare.

There is also a lack of trust in the government due to unresolved corruption scandals. Kenyans have witnessed numerous cases in which officials have embezzled public funds for development and no action was taken against them.

That undermines public confidence in the government’s ability to stabilise the economy.

Bernard Onyach, Nairobi

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 Kenyans are going through tough economic times as inflation rates increase day by day.  However, they should take this positively as the increased taxation will help the country to rid itself of the huge public debt more quickly.

Citizens should, therefore, increase their involvement in the various sectors to generate more revenue for the government. The earnings will benefit Kenyans themselves through the improvement of public facilities such as hospitals, roads and schools. Besides, it will raise the country’s GDP.

Evans Ochieng, Migori