Why crude oil is becoming obsolete

electric car

An electric car at a charging station.

Photo credit: Pool

Call to peace • The political drumbeats are “reaching a crescendo with alignments and realignments taking shape”, remarks Lodrine Olocho. “Politicians are strategising. In Kenya, political parties are temporary vehicles of convenience. This year, we will have a new occupant at State House. Whoever it will be must move the country forward. But we need peace and tranquility.” His contact is [email protected].


Sloth • Though grateful to the Nairobi Metropolitan Service (NMS) and the city county for constructing link roads in Nairobi South B, Frank Laurence wants to see more. “When are they going to complete the road to Nerkwo and the taxi service point pending since 2017?” At a 2019 meeting, he recalls, the contractor promised to finish the job in three months. His contact is [email protected].


Road to progress • The recently tarmacked Nyaru-Iten and Chepkorio-Chororget roads have opened a chapter of progress in Elgeyo-Marakwet County, says David Kiptum. “These roads had been almost impassable for a long time and the Jubilee government should be commended, as a lot of work has actually been done in the post-March 9, 2018 ‘Handshake’ period.” His contact [email protected].


‘Loo-natism’ • Wajir County has allowed the mushrooming of roadside eateries, Jua Kali garages and car wash bays without providing public toilets, says Ahmed Somow. “Customers are forced to relieve themselves in the open. While the county gets revenue from the businesses, it should work with the Public Health Department to prevent an outbreak of water-borne diseases.” His contact is [email protected].


Death of oil • Crude oil “is becoming obsolete” as electric cars replace fuel-powered motor vehicles, remarks Teddy Kimathi. “The new cars are much cheaper and friendlier to the environment. Countries that solely depend on oil exports to drive their economies will have to diversify exports. The future leading economies will be those exporting clean energy.” His contact is [email protected].

Have a futuristic day, won’t you!