We all need to embrace education at all costs

Centre Managers pick afternoon session exams

Centre Managers collect afternoon session exams at the Kisumu Central Deputy County Commissioner’s offices on November 8, 2023.

Photo credit: Ondari Ogega | Nation Media Group

Education • Whenever national examination results are released, there is always a lot of interest in the candidates’ performance, remarks F. Mukembu.

He wishes all could contribute to efforts to enable schools to do well, “It’s good to celebrate what you have participated in bringing about. As education is everyone’s concern, we need to embrace it at all costs.”

His contact is [email protected].


Poor results • The 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam results have been quite disappointing for Chris Kiriba.

Says he: “My eyes became red and teary while checking how many candidates from my alma mater, Pumwani Secondary School, did well.

The first school for Africans in Nairobi that is almost clocking a century is different from what we left.”

His contact is [email protected].


Performance • Over the years, Isaac Githuthu recalls, schools have been ranked as the best 10 or 100 or by how many As students score in exams.

“It’s irrational and unrealistic, considering the total number of candidates. They should be classified on performance of those qualifying for university entry to create harmony and motivate big and small schools.”

His contact is [email protected].


Grading • After slogging for four years, no student deserves a Grade E, remarks Richard Kihara.

“Education experts and officials should agree that no student should be failed, as she or she deserves a mark even for attendance. Let’s review this archaic grading system and benchmark with other educational systems where all students graduate with high school diplomas.”

His contact [email protected].


Rogue officers • The incident in which police fired live bullets and lobbed teargas canisters at people peacefully celebrating Azimio flag bearer Raila Odinga’s 79th birthday in Nairobi was quite embarrassing, says Raphael Obonyo.

“The police brutality has cast doubt on the transformation from a force into a service. Something needs to be done about rogue officers.”

His contact is [email protected].

Have a respectful day, won’t you!