Save university students from drug addiction

Drug addiction

A high number of university students are addicted to drugs.

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Drug addiction • A high number of university students are addicted to drugs, says F. Mukembu. “Having many of them residing away from their respective campuses due to increased enrolment and shortage of hostels is when the rain started beating us. There is a need for an oversight committee of medical experts, guidance and counselling personnel to arrest the situation.” His contact is [email protected].


CBC crisis • The education system is ailing, says Franklin Job. “The transition to the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is in disarray, with funding challenges. Something needs to be done for the sake of our children. None of the education commissions’ recommendations since independence, including the CBC report, have ever been fully implemented.” His contact is [email protected].


Power • Does Kenya Power have a charter specifying how long an application for electricity connection should take? asks Patrick Mbunya. It’s now a year since he filed his application, and the long wait continues. “On November 3, they sent me a message about construction being in progress, but nothing has been done.” His application reference is E21182022080064 and his contact, [email protected].


Welcome stipend • The long-awaited registration of Kenyans aged 70 and above, and those living with disabilities for the social protection stipend, which begins early next month, is good news, says David Kiptum. “It will bring joy to many people, particularly those over 75, who have never benefited from the programme. I hope there will be no discrimination in the enrolment.” His contact [email protected].


Mental care • Mental health is an issue that needs to be taken very seriously, says Ateko Omlama. The country, he warns, risks losing its future, as its youth sink into drug abuse and “end up languishing in depression, as we watch”. The government, Ateko suggests, should invest in more mental care facilities and ensure a properly functioning overall health system. His contact is [email protected].

Have a sane day, won’t you!