Kenyans want lower petrol, diesel prices

Fuel pump

A fuel attendant holding a fuel pump at the filling station along Kimathi Street. The government has reinstated the fuel subsidy to stabilise pump prices.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

County wastage • Corruption and wastage are understatements in the county governments, says W. Kimariech. “Officials cover hundreds of kilometres daily, and almost every weekend to attend funerals and harambees as the governors’ hummingbirds. What happened to the government’s road checks unit?  Are the counties getting value for money or just collecting to waste it?” His contact is [email protected].


Corruption • Interior ministry offices, especially in the rural areas, are notorious for graft, says Williams Kirwa. “Officers who don’t turn up for work are to blame. Some refuse to serve in remote areas, creating favourable conditions for extorting bribes. They operate in cahoots with police and administration officials frustrating needy citizens. Please correct this.” His contact is [email protected].


Slow process • The Registrar of Companies should address the public concern over the sluggish listing of enterprises, says Henry Ruhiu. He’s convinced that the first step should be to rethink the sending of special codes to the people seeking to register businesses. “This is the cause of delays and confusion. It should be subjected to public participation before enactment.” His contact is [email protected].


Player agents • The nearly one-month players transfer window in the English Premier League has become just as gripping and fascinating as the soccer matches themselves, says Jim Webo. “There is so much hype about players switching teams, which ends with huge amounts of money spent. Advising on recruitment is a new line of business our retired footballers should also begin to hone their skills at.”


Subsidies • The lowering of fuel pump prices by the government is a welcome step, says Evans Macharia Mwangi, adding: “It doesn’t matter what name it will be baptised with, be it stabilisation, subsidy or even compensation. All we want are lower petrol and diesel prices.  Of course, the authorities will have to come up with a new name for it, to just save face.” His contact is [email protected].

Have an affordable day, won’t you!