Prioritise essential sectors

Kenyatta National Hospital

Nurses at Kenyatta National Hospital celebrate Melodious Moraa (centre) and her baby as they are discharged on November 20, 2023.  

Photo credit: Lucy Wanjiru | Nation Media Group

The recent rejection of the Finance Bill, 2024, has necessitated propositions for budget cuts across all sectors to ensure the continued functioning of essential services. While this move is understandable, it is crucial for the government to recognise that some sectors must take precedence over others. Healthcare, education and agriculture are examples of areas where quality service provision cannot be compromised.

Kenya’s healthcare system in particular is still striving to achieve standard levels of accessibility and affordability. For instance, reproductive health services are not yet comprehensively covered in public institutions despite significant progress over the years.

Any substantial budget cuts in these crucial areas will have adverse effects on women’s physical, emotional, and economic well-being, ultimately impacting the broader economy and the well-being of families.

Reducing the healthcare budget will exacerbate existing challenges. It will hinder efforts to improve maternal and child health, reduce access to essential medications, and compromise the quality of care. The repercussions will not only be felt by individuals but will also ripple through communities and the national economy.

One of the persistent issues in Kenya has been the mis-allocation and embezzlement of public funds by politicians and private contractors. This has long been a barrier to the effective utilisation of allocated resources. To navigate the inevitable budget cuts, the government must implement stringent measures to ensure that funds are used for their intended purposes. To maintain essential services despite budget constraints, the government needs to enforce strict accountability and transparency measures. There should be rigorous auditing and monitoring to track the use of funds. Public reporting of financial activities is also crucial to increase transparency and allow citizens to hold officials accountable. Establishing severe penalties for the misappropriation of funds will deter corruption and ensure compliance.

Ms Monari is a nurse and advocate for medical & social justice. [email protected]