Ethics remain key in fast-changing media landscape


A user holding a smartphone with icons of social media on the screen. In this era of digital empowerment, the media wields unprecedented power to mold public opinion and steer societal discourse.


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In the realm of African ethics and the evolving landscape of journalism ethics, particularly in the context of news dissemination and opinion formation, the digital era poses both exhilarating opportunities and daunting ethical challenges.

As we delve into these discussions, it becomes imperative to ponder what Media Ethics signifies in the digital age, with a keen focus on the ethical considerations that arise in the context of online journalism.

The pervasive impact of the digital revolution on the media landscape is undeniable. It introduces a paradigm shift, opening avenues for instantaneous dissemination of information, which, in turn, presents journalists with a moral dilemma.

Consider a scenario where government reports assert that only six lives were lost in a catastrophic gas explosion, while real-time footage shared by the public suggests a much higher casualty count. Instances of such inaccurate reporting are not isolated, as demonstrated by recent incidents like the tragic road accident in Nakuru involving a trailer that claimed the lives of pedestrians.

In this era of digital empowerment, the media wields unprecedented power to mold public opinion and steer societal discourse. The rise of social media platforms and the advent of citizen journalism have exponentially increased the speed and reach of information dissemination. Yet, this power necessitates a profound responsibility; the obligation to furnish the public with accurate, fair, and unbiased information.

Contrary to this ethical imperative, instances arise where some media outlets, broadcast inaccurate news under the banner of "Mwanchi reporting," with disclaimers attributing inaccuracies to eyewitness accounts on the ground. This raises pertinent questions about fact-checking responsibilities; is it the duty of an eyewitness or that of a trained and qualified journalist?

The rampant dissemination of misinformation and fake news stands out as one of the most pressing ethical challenges in today's media landscape. The ease with which information can be shared online has given rise to false narratives that have the potential to sow confusion, division, and even cause harm. To counter this trend, the media must prioritise fact-checking, verification processes, and responsible sourcing to uphold the public's trust.

Privacy concerns also loom large in the digital era. Striking a delicate balance between respecting individuals' privacy rights and providing transparency becomes imperative. Practices such as obtaining informed consent before publishing personal information and handling sensitive topics with empathy are crucial to maintaining ethical standards in alignment with the spirit of Ubuntu.

For content creators operating on social media platforms, unique ethical challenges emerge. The pressure to generate engagement and amass followers can sometimes lead to the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, invasion of privacy, or the creation of harmful content. It is incumbent upon content creators to be mindful of the potential impact of their work and prioritise ethical considerations over short-term gains.

Moreover, addressing bias and promoting diversity in media content is an ethical imperative. Media professionals and content creators should strive to reflect the diverse perspectives of society and avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes. Providing a platform for underrepresented voices contributes to a more inclusive media landscape.

- Mr Mapesa is a lecturer at Daystar University; [email protected]