Change tack on drug war

Drunk man

Alcohol and drug abuse have reached epidemic proportions in Kenya.

Photo credit: Pool

The rate of drug abuse among the youth, especially university and college students, continues to increase despite efforts by the government to combat the vice, with many negative impacts.

New statistics by the National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (Nacada) show that the number of young people abusing drugs is escalating.

And the most abused drugs are alcohol, at 13 per cent, cigarettes (11 per cent) and khat (miraa) at six per cent. The most prevalent drugs of choice among 15-24-year-olds are alcohol, tobacco, khat and cannabis.

Many young people turn to drugs to pass time and reduce stress due to joblessness and the current economic hardships.

The state should thus find new tactics to handle addicts and prevent young people from being lured into drug and substance abuse.

First, in collaboration with learning institutions, it can support students to form activism groups to create awareness of the effects and avoidance of drug abuse among their fellow students on campus. It is easier for the youth to be convinced by their peers.

Secondly, build rehabilitation centres near learning institutions to ease awareness campaigns against drug abuse and also treatment and rehabilitation services to students.

Thirdly, empowering the youth to lead anti-drug drives will create role models, key to ending drug abuse. Teachers and counsellors should also be trained to handle students and other youth who abuse drugs and substances.

Lastly, in the villages, the state should collaborate with the county governments, chiefs and village elders to control the production, distribution, sale and consumption of cheap, illicit liquors.

They can partner with the licensing agencies to ensure only products approved for human consumption are sold.

Individuals distributing illicit liquor and other drugs and substances should be severely punished.

- Mr Sifuna is a journalism and communication student at Rongo University. [email protected].