University of Nairobi sends VC Kiama on leave again

Prof Stephen Kiama

University of Nairobi Vice-Chancellor Prof Stephen Gitahi Kiama has been sent on compulsory leave. 

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

The University of Nairobi Council has sent the Vice Chairperson Stephen Kiama on leave, again leave upholding a 19th April 2024 decision.

Consequently, the council directed that Prof Ayub Njoroge Gitau is to continue serving as acting Vice Chancellor of the university. 

"The council of the University of Nairobi, as the employer, is deeply concerned about the continued harassment, intimidation & misuse of staff and resources by unauthorised persons, despite its earlier pronouncement on the matter," read the statement from Council Chairman Prof Amukowa Anangwe.

Apart from having Professor Gitau sit in as acting VC, the council resolved that there would be fresh letters issued authorising the performance of duties in 24 administrative positions and that all staff transfers and movements that were effected contrary to the council resolutions are reversed and all staff affected were directed to immediately resume their previous stations. 

As a response, Prof Kiama has called a press conference today, May 22 in his office at the UoN tower. 

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